JUST Capital – Corporate Portal and Data Review Period FAQ

Access the Rankings Resource Guide to view helpful materials for the Data Review Period, including information on our data vendors, new data points, criteria updates, and Issue weights for the upcoming Rankings. Reach out to corpengage@justcapital.com with any questions.

  1. What is the Data Review Period?

JUST Capital identifies, collects, and analyzes data across a variety of sources on how each company performs on the Issues that matter most to the American public. As part of its commitment to transparency and standard quality control procedures, JUST Capital provides companies with the opportunity to review and update their data during an annual Data Review Period through a secure online platform called the Corporate Portal.

The Corporate Portal is a secure, online platform where users can review and submit updates to the data JUST Capital has collected on their company. Users can click on Data Points to learn about how they are measured, view their company’s current value, or to submit a new or updated value. Data Points are only open for comments during the annual Data Review Period.

  1. Where did JUST Capital get the data it is using to assess my company, and why is my company being measured?

JUST Capital uses a variety of sources to evaluate each company in the Russell 1000 using the following types of data sources:

  • Publicly available company data, including disclosures from annual reports, ESG/CSR/DEI reports, Form 10-Ks, proxy statements, financial and investor presentations, company websites, and press releases.
  • Third-party data vendors. These data are often beyond the scope of what we are able to collect through our in-house processes, such as fines or modeled wage data. See the Rankings Resource Guide for more information on our third-party data vendors.
  1. What does publicly available company data mean?

JUST Capital requires company data to be publicly disclosed in order to be used in our performance assessment products. This ensures our products are based on transparent disclosures made directly by companies. As such, all data collected by JUST Capital or submitted by companies through the Corporate Portal must be linked to reports or websites produced and made public by companies. 

We do not consider social media posts or external news outlets as acceptable sources. One exception is for the minimum wage or salary Data Points, for which we will accept reputable news outlets as a source.

  1. How will the data in the Corporate Portal be used?

Raw data featured in Corporate Portal may be used across JUST Capital’s performance assessment products, including the Annual Rankings of America’s Most JUST Companies and the JUST Jobs Scorecard. Data may also be used as part of investor-related products, written content, and JUST Capital’s Corporate Offerings.

  1. How will JUST Capital incorporate our data submissions during the Data Review Period?

Updates submitted via the Corporate Portal will be reviewed by JUST Capital analysts for potential incorporation into the data sets used in our products. Analysts will respond to submissions through the Corporate Portal on a rolling basis to confirm acceptance, request clarification, or explain why the data does not meet our criteria. Submissions are only reviewed and accepted during the annual Data Review Period.

  1. Why is there no value listed for my company on certain data points?

Your company may not receive a value because JUST Capital analysts were unable to find a value on your company’s website or via another data source that meets our criteria. In some instances our analysts may have collected data on your company before your latest report was published. In these cases, we welcome you to submit updated values during the Data Review Period.

  1. What is the time frame that my company’s data must fall within to be accepted by JUST Capital? Can I submit data from prior years if my company no longer discloses it?

With the exception of data that are attributed to a specific year, data collected by JUST Capital must fall within a three-year lookback period. If the data is within this window, you are welcome to keep it as is or update it with newer values, where applicable.

  1. Why is it not possible to submit updates on certain data points?

We do not accept adjustments to select vendor data to ensure consistent measurement across our universe of companies. If you are interested in changing information we have from third-party data vendors, please contact them directly or visit the Rankings Resource Guide to learn more.

  1. Why are old sources being used for my company’s data?

There are several reasons you may see an older source used as the Supporting URL for a Data Point.

  • Newer reports no longer contain a certain disclosure, so our analysts use an older source that contains the disclosure but still falls within our three-year lookback period.
  • The value remains the same from the previous year, so the original source is still valid as supporting evidence. Please do not submit updates on Data Points where the value is correct even if the source is old.
  • Our analysts collected data on your company before your latest report was published. In these cases, we welcome you to submit updated values during the Data Review Period.
  1. What do the Data Point statuses mean?

Data Point statuses in the Corporate Portal indicate how a Data Point has been commented on and/or updated by your company or a member of the JUST Capital team.

  • Preliminary: the Data Point contains the most recent value JUST Capital has collected on your company, and your company has not submitted a suggested update. This value will be incorporated into our final datasets if an update is not provided by your company and accepted by our analysts.
  • Pending Review: the Data Point has been commented on by your company and is awaiting JUST Capital’s feedback.
  • Response Does Not Meet Criteria: your company’s suggested update has been reviewed by our analyst but cannot be accepted. Additional details will be provided in our analysts’ response.
  • Accepted: your company’s suggested update has been reviewed by our analyst, accepted, and will be incorporated into our final datasets pending a final QA.
  1. How can I keep track of updates made to my company’s data throughout the Data Review Period?

You can opt in to receive Data Review Status Update emails on your Account page. Data Review Status Update emails will display the status of data points that have been commented on each day, either by your team or JUST Capital analysts. These emails will provide updates on any data points commented on the day prior to receiving the Status Update. You will see the data point name, the comment, the proposed or updated value, the supporting URL, and the new status.

Users who do not opt in will only receive Data Review Status Updates if they update a data point, and will receive a Status Update every time an update is made to that data point. If you do not actively comment on data or opt in, you will not receive Status Update emails.

  1. Can I download a list of my company’s data points?

You can download a CSV file of your company’s data points as they currently appear in the Corporate Portal on the Data Review page, including both Rankings and Non-Rankings Data Points. Note that updates to data points are not accepted in the form of CSV or Excel files. All updates must be submitted via Corporate Portal comments. We recommend users download their company’s data set at the beginning and end of the Data Review Period for recordkeeping. Changes to your company’s data may occur after the Data Review Period ends as our analysts close out remaining comments and conduct quality checks.

  1. How can I view, add, and remove users from my company’s Corporate Portal account?

You can access the list of users associated with your company’s Corporate Portal account and request removals by emailing corpengage@justcapital.com. New users must register for the Corporate Portal at accounts.justcapital.com/register. Please note the registration page is not accessible when logged into the Corporate Portal.

14. My company is releasing our report during or after the Data Review Period. Can our most recent data from this report be considered during the review period?

JUST Capital can accept reports that are scheduled to be published during or following our Data Review Period as supporting evidence for Data Points. You can upload draft reports on your Account page and use the provided link as your Supporting URL when submitting comments on Data Points. Files uploaded this way must be in the format of a draft report. We cannot accept Excel files, CSV files, or raw data. The uploaded source must clearly be a draft report or disclosure with company branding, and you must confirm that the source will be published by December 31, 2024.

JUST Capital reserves the right to treat draft documentation submitted here as publicly available information upon the release of products which contain data points updated this way. Any draft data not published and shared with JUST Capital by December 31, 2024 will be added to a supplementary document accessible via the product’s publicly available methodology. We do this to ensure our products rely solely on publicly available data.

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