JUST Report

SURVEY REPORT: Explore the Full Findings of Our Survey on ESG Transparency and Disclosure

February 15, 2022

In recent years, we have seen an acceleration of both attention and investment dollars flowing toward the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) space. And while disclosure on these issues has increased significantly, many point to the challenges of comparing corporate performance without a standardized approach that allows investors, workers, researchers, and consumers to understand how things are being measured. In response, there have been a number of cross-sector efforts to drive greater disclosure and create consistent measures for progress.

Americans overwhelmingly support public disclosure on human capital and environmental impact metrics from America’s largest companies, and endorse federal action to require standardized disclosure, according to new survey research from JUST Capital and its polling partner, SSRS, conducted in collaboration with Public Citizen and Ceres. Read the full report below for an in-depth exploration of America’s views on corporate disclosure, and check out some of our key findings here.


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