2024 Americans’ Views on Business Survey
Each year, we ask the American public to identify and prioritize what issues matter most when it comes to just business behavior. This year, we began by asking participants a simple question: What do you think the chief responsibility of America’s largest companies is?
JUST Capital’s Quarterly Review of Stakeholder Performance – Q3 2024
As of September 30, 2024, our flagship index – the JUST U.S. Large Cap Diversified Index (JULCD) has out-performed the Russell 1000 (Cap-Weighted) benchmark by 0.46% year-to-date and by 11.97% since its inception. Here’s how we did in Q3, 2024.
JUST Capital’s Quarterly Review of Stakeholder Performance – Q2 2024
As of June 30, 2024, our flagship index – the JUST U.S. Large Cap Diversified Index (JULCD) – has out-performed the Russell 1000 (Cap-Weighted) benchmark by 1.51% year-to-date and by 13.78% since its inception. Learn more.
JUST Capital’s Quarterly Review of Stakeholder Performance – Q1 2024
As of March 29, 2024, our flagship index – the JUST U.S. Large Cap Diversified Index (JULCD) has out-performed the Russell 1000 (Cap-Weighted) benchmark by 0.35% year-to-date and by 10.7% since its inception.
JUST Jobs Scorecard: Human Capital Disclosure Rising, But Still Plenty of Room for Improvement
Without a standard set of foundational job quality metrics or a clear definition of what good looks like, it’s not always apparent how company leaders can demonstrate their employee value proposition or evaluate where they should invest to improve performance. This is why we’ve created the JUST Jobs Scorecard.
What Corporate Leaders Should Know About Our New JUST Jobs Scorecard
Leadership on good jobs isn’t confined to one industry. In fact, there are eight different industries represented among the ten top-performing companies overall.
JUST Capital’s Quarterly Review of Stakeholder Performance – Q4 2023
From January 2018 to December 2023, leading companies have outperformed their lower-ranked peers by 66.6%, with the Workers stakeholder delivering the strongest performance among the five we track in Q4.
Discover which companies are leading on the issues that matter most to Americans today. In 2024, Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) leads the JUST 100 for the first time.
Of the 951 companies we ranked in 2023, 80 disclosed that they financially supported HBCUs. Following the Supreme Court’s ruling on affirmative action, more should join them.
Workers and wages remain the American public’s top priority for companies, with a bump in importance for workforce advancement amid AI and job security fears.
Americans don’t think companies are making progress on their commitments to their stakeholders. And, beyond that, they want to see action from America’s largest companies on what matters most – workers.
JUST Capital’s Quarterly Review of Stakeholder Performance – Q3 2023
From Jan 2018 to September 2023, leading companies have outperformed their lower-ranked peers by 56.5%, with the Workers stakeholder delivering the strongest performance in Q3.
While research shows that disclosing spend with minority-owned suppliers boosts trust and can improve supply chain resiliency, less than a quarter of the Russell 1000 do so.
Companies that create value for both workers and the environment also generate value for shareholders.
Net-Zero Commitments Have Tripled In the Last 3 Years – But Actual Emissions Reductions Are Lagging
Amid activist and investor calls for more data, JUST Capital’s analysis shows how companies and industries are actually addressing the climate crisis.
Banks are the leading industry when it comes to fair chance disclosure, with five companies disclosing a policy for hiring formerly incarcerated individuals.
JUST Capital’s latest research identified four companies prioritizing women in their workforces, on their boards, and women-owned businesses in their supply chains.
JUST Capital’s Quarterly Review of Stakeholder Performance – Q2 2023
From Jan 2018 to June 2023, leading companies have outperformed the laggards by 52.13% as measured by JUST Overall Score, while all five stakeholders we track delivered negative performance in Q2 2023.
The JULCD Index – which powers the JUST ETF – has outperformed the Russell 1000 by 8.78% since inception through May 31, 2023.
Despite rising disclosure trends, just 6% disclose both detailed demographic data and race/ethnicity pay ratios, signaling that corporate America still has a long way to go.
While 41% of companies offer paid parental leave for working dads, they receive, on average, three weeks fewer than mothers.
When Companies Act on Employee Experience, Workers and Business Benefit
In a still-tight job market, acting on employee experience is a business imperative. A new Worker Financial Wellness guide shares how companies can prioritize their employees’ feedback to drive workforce investments.
Companies like Accenture and Morgan Stanley Capital International are encouraging or requiring their massive supply chains to pay better wages.
JUST Capital’s Quarterly Review of Stakeholder Performance – Q1 2023
The JUST Overall Weighted Score has outperformed the Russell 1000 by 50.67% from Jan 2018 to March 2023, though all five stakeholders we track delivered negative performance in Q1 2023, primarily driven by the Financials sector.
A majority of Americans we polled think companies need to offer 12 weeks of paid parental leave to all workers. Just 9% of the largest U.S. companies currently offer parity of 12 weeks or more to both caregivers.