Dayforce is a JUST Jobs LEADER ? LEADER: Championing good disclosures and practices with an overall score between 3 and 3.99. 6 companies achieved this designation.

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Dayforce is a global human capital management software and services company.
Ticker: DAY Market Cap: 10B Global Employees: 8,526

Overall Benchmarking

All Companies
How to Read the JUST Jobs Scorecard
No disclosure
Limited practice and/or disclosure, with significant room to improve
Foundational practice and/or disclosure, with room to improve
Good practice and/or disclosure, with minimal room to improve
Current leading practice and/or disclosure
Top Performer
A company with the maximum score of 4 on any given topic area.
Top in Industry
A company with the highest score in its industry on any given topic area, providing the score is at or above 2.0. If there is a tie, multiple companies will receive this designation.
Data points related to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are noted with a DEI tag within the Scorecard.


3.67 /4
across 6 data points
All Companies
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Employee Wellness
3.20 /4
across 5 data points
All Companies
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Hiring & Stability
2.40 /4
across 5 data points
All Companies
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Training & Development
2.33 /4
across 3 data points
All Companies
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Wages & Compensation
3.86 /4
across 7 data points
Top in Industry
All Companies
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Workforce Composition
3.20 /4
across 5 data points
All Companies
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Based on data collected through September 2023


3.67Out of 4 across 6 data points
This scorecard topic captures key workplace benefits that promote employee well-being, support financial stability, and cultivate work-life balance. Companies demonstrate leading practice on this scorecard by disclosing access to equitable and adequate paid leave and caregiving support.

Dependent Care Policies:

Subsidized & Backup 4/ 4
This data point captures whether a company offers emergency backup dependent care benefits and routine dependent care subsidies. Companies demonstrate leading practice by publicly disclosing both emergency backup dependent care benefits and routine dependent care subsidies.
Find links to exemplary disclosure on Dependent Care Policies by clicking here.
Offers emergency backup dependent care and subsidies for routine dependent care
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure
Offers emergency backup dependent care or subsidies for routine dependent care
Offers emergency backup dependent care and subsidies for routine dependent care
14% of the industry offers emergency backup dependent care and subsidies for routine dependent care.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 54% of the industry.
32% of the industry offers emergency backup dependent care or subsidies for routine dependent care.
14% of the industry offers emergency backup dependent care and subsidies for routine dependent care.
10% of all companies offer emergency backup dependent care and subsidies for routine dependent care.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 68% of all companies.
22% of all companies offer emergency backup dependent care or subsidies for routine dependent care.
10% of all companies offer emergency backup dependent care and subsidies for routine dependent care.

Days of Paid Time Off or Vacation:

Unlimited 4/ 4
This data point captures a company's minimum days of Paid Time Off (PTO) or paid vacation for its exempt U.S. employees. Companies demonstrate leading practice by publicly disclosing a policy that offers at or above 20 days of PTO per year. Unlimited PTO and vacation policies receive full credit, but it is important to note that they require a workplace culture that supports employees in fully utilizing the benefit.
Find links to exemplary disclosure on Days of Paid Time Off or Vacation by clicking here.
Offers at or above 20 days
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure
Offers fewer than 10 days
Offers at least 10 and fewer than 15 days
Offers at least 15 and fewer than 20 days
Offers at or above 20 days
41% of the industry offers at or above 20 days.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 56% of the industry.
0% of the industry offers fewer than 10 days.
0% of the industry offers at least 10 and fewer than 15 days.
3% of the industry offers at least 15 and fewer than 20 days.
41% of the industry offers at or above 20 days.
13% of all companies offer at or above 20 days.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 72% of all companies.
1% of all companies offer fewer than 10 days.
4% of all companies offer at least 10 and fewer than 15 days.
11% of all companies offer at least 15 and fewer than 20 days.
13% of all companies offer at or above 20 days.

Days of Sick Leave:

10 days 4/ 4
This data point captures a company's minimum days of paid sick leave for its exempt U.S. employees. Companies demonstrate leading practice by publicly disclosing a policy that offers at or above 10 days of paid sick leave per year. Unlimited sick leave policies receive full credit, but it is important to note that they require a workplace culture that supports employees in fully utilizing the benefit.
Find links to exemplary disclosure on Days of Sick Leave by clicking here.
Offers at or above 10 days
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure
Offers fewer than 5 days
Offers at least 5 and fewer than 10 days
Offers at or above 10 days
12% of the industry offers at or above 10 days.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 80% of the industry.
0% of the industry offers fewer than 5 days.
8% of the industry offers at least 5 and fewer than 10 days.
12% of the industry offers at or above 10 days.
5% of all companies offer at or above 10 days.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 88% of all companies.
1% of all companies offer fewer than 5 days.
6% of all companies offer at least 5 and fewer than 10 days.
5% of all companies offer at or above 10 days.

Paid Parental Leave for Primary Caregivers:

17 weeks 3/ 4
This data point captures the length of paid parental leave at a company for primary or maternal caregivers. Companies demonstrate leading practice by publicly disclosing at least 20 weeks of paid parental leave for primary or maternal caregivers to welcome a new child to their family, a key milestone toward the evidence-based best practice of six months of paid parental leave.
Find links to exemplary disclosure on Paid Parental Leave for Primary Caregivers by clicking here.
Provides at least 16 and fewer than 20 weeks
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure
Provides fewer than 12 weeks
Provides at least 12 and fewer than 16 weeks
Provides at least 16 and fewer than 20 weeks
Provides at or above 20 weeks
25% of the industry provides at least 16 and fewer than 20 weeks.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 44% of the industry.
5% of the industry provides fewer than 12 weeks.
10% of the industry provides at least 12 and fewer than 16 weeks.
25% of the industry provides at least 16 and fewer than 20 weeks.
15% of the industry provides at or above 20 weeks.
10% of all companies provide at least 16 and fewer than 20 weeks.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 50% of all companies.
25% of all companies provide fewer than 12 weeks.
12% of all companies provide at least 12 and fewer than 16 weeks.
10% of all companies provide at least 16 and fewer than 20 weeks.
4% of all companies provide at or above 20 weeks.

Paid Parental Leave for Secondary Caregivers:

17 weeks 3/ 4
This data point captures the length of paid parental leave at a company for secondary or paternal caregivers. Companies demonstrate leading practice by publicly disclosing at least 20 weeks of paid parental leave for secondary or paternal caregivers to welcome a new child to their family, a key milestone toward the evidence-based best practice of six months of paid parental leave.
Find links to exemplary disclosure on Paid Parental Leave for Secondary Caregivers by clicking here.
Provides at least 16 and fewer than 20 weeks
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure
Provides fewer than 12 weeks
Provides at least 12 and fewer than 16 weeks
Provides at least 16 and fewer than 20 weeks
Provides at or above 20 weeks
19% of the industry provides at least 16 and fewer than 20 weeks.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 46% of the industry.
15% of the industry provides fewer than 12 weeks.
12% of the industry provides at least 12 and fewer than 16 weeks.
19% of the industry provides at least 16 and fewer than 20 weeks.
8% of the industry provides at or above 20 weeks.
4% of all companies provide at least 16 and fewer than 20 weeks.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 51% of all companies.
36% of all companies provide fewer than 12 weeks.
7% of all companies provide at least 12 and fewer than 16 weeks.
4% of all companies provide at least 16 and fewer than 20 weeks.
2% of all companies provide at or above 20 weeks.

Parity in Parental Leave:

Parity 4/ 4
This data point captures whether a company provides equitable paid parental leave. Companies demonstrate leading practice by offering parity of paid leave for all caregivers welcoming a new child to their family.
Find links to exemplary disclosure on Parity in Parental Leave by clicking here.
Provides equal weeks of leave for all caregivers
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure
Provides unequal weeks of leave
Provides equal weeks of leave for all caregivers
37% of the industry provides equal weeks of leave for all caregivers.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 44% of the industry.
19% of the industry provides unequal weeks of leave.
37% of the industry provides equal weeks of leave for all caregivers.
30% of all companies provide equal weeks of leave for all caregivers.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 50% of all companies.
20% of all companies provide unequal weeks of leave.
30% of all companies provide equal weeks of leave for all caregivers.

Employee Wellness

3.20Out of 4 across 5 data points
This scorecard topic captures practices that promote physical and mental wellness for employees. Companies demonstrate leading practice on this scorecard by disclosing systems that track health and safety, mitigate harassment, and assess employee satisfaction.

Employee Engagement:

Yes 4/ 4
This data point captures whether a company conducts an employee satisfaction survey to measure employees' experiences of job, work environment, and management quality. Companies demonstrate leading practice by publicly disclosing that they conduct an employee satisfaction survey.
Find links to exemplary disclosure on Employee Engagement by clicking here.
Discloses conducting an employee satisfaction survey
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure
Discloses conducting an employee satisfaction survey
42% of the industry discloses conducting an employee satisfaction survey.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 58% of the industry.
42% of the industry discloses conducting an employee satisfaction survey.
44% of all companies disclose conducting an employee satisfaction survey.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 56% of all companies.
44% of all companies disclose conducting an employee satisfaction survey.

Discrimination and Harassment Grievance Mechanism:

Yes 4/ 4
This data point captures whether a company has a grievance mechanism in place for employees to safely report concerns or issues relating to discrimination and harassment. Companies demonstrate leading practice by publicly disclosing a discrimination and harassment grievance mechanism.
Find links to exemplary disclosure on Discrimination and Harassment Grievance Mechanism by clicking here.
Discloses discrimination and harassment grievance mechanism
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure
Discloses discrimination and harassment grievance mechanism
83% of the industry discloses discrimination and harassment grievance mechanism .
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 17% of the industry.
83% of the industry discloses discrimination and harassment grievance mechanism .
85% of all companies disclose discrimination and harassment grievance mechanism .
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 15% of all companies.
85% of all companies disclose discrimination and harassment grievance mechanism .

Anti-Harassment Training:

Yes 4/ 4
This data point captures whether a company provides mandatory training to educate employees about avoiding and reporting harassment. Companies demonstrate leading practice by publicly disclosing that they provide anti-harassment training for their employees.
Find links to exemplary disclosure on Anti-Harassment Training by clicking here.
Provides anti-harassment training
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure
Provides anti-harassment training
22% of the industry provides anti-harassment training.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 78% of the industry.
22% of the industry provides anti-harassment training.
25% of all companies provide anti-harassment training.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 75% of all companies.
25% of all companies provide anti-harassment training.

Health & Safety Management Systems:

Not Disclosed
This data point captures a company's systematic management of employee health and safety. Companies demonstrate leading practice by publicly disclosing a health and safety management system, such as the ISO 45001 or OSHAS 18001.
Find links to exemplary disclosure on Health & Safety Management Systems by clicking here.
No disclosure
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure
Discloses certified health and safety management system
No disclosure for 81% of the industry.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 81% of the industry.
19% of the industry discloses certified health and safety management system.
No disclosure for 46% of all companies.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 46% of all companies.
54% of all companies disclose certified health and safety management system.

Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR):

0.0 4/ 4
This data point captures worker safety at a company via its Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR), the rate of recordable incidents per 200,000 hours worked. Companies demonstrate leading practice by publicly disclosing a TRIR below 2.9, indicating a safe working environment.
Find links to exemplary disclosure on Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) by clicking here.
Reports TRIR below 2.9
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure
Reports TRIR greater than 5
Reports TRIR between 2.9 and 5
Reports TRIR below 2.9
15% of the industry reports TRIR below 2.9.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 85% of the industry.
0% of the industry reports TRIR greater than 5.
0% of the industry reports TRIR between 2.9 and 5.
15% of the industry reports TRIR below 2.9.
48% of all companies report TRIR below 2.9.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 47% of all companies.
1% of all companies report TRIR greater than 5.
3% of all companies report TRIR between 2.9 and 5.
48% of all companies report TRIR below 2.9.

Hiring & Stability

2.40Out of 4 across 5 data points
This scorecard topic captures whether a company has systems in place to equitably and effectively recruit and retain employees while prioritizing employment stability and workplace flexibility. Companies demonstrate leading practice on this scorecard by disclosing internal hiring and retention rates, as well as by implementing proactive veteran and fair chance hiring policies and providing stable and flexible working hours to employees.

Internal Hiring Rate:

Yes 4/ 4
This data point captures the proportion of vacancies at a company filled by current employees. Companies demonstrate leading practice by publicly disclosing their internal hiring rates.
Find links to exemplary disclosure on Internal Hiring Rate by clicking here.
Discloses internal hiring rate
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure
Discloses internal hiring rate
14% of the industry discloses internal hiring rate.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 86% of the industry.
14% of the industry discloses internal hiring rate.
11% of all companies disclose internal hiring rate.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 89% of all companies.
11% of all companies disclose internal hiring rate.

Retention and Turnover Rate:

Yes 4/ 4
This data point captures whether a company discloses the total percent of its U.S. (preferred) or global employees who remain employed by the company over a specific period of time. Companies demonstrate leading practice by publicly disclosing their retention or turnover rates.
Find links to exemplary disclosure on Retention and Turnover Rate by clicking here.
Discloses retention or turnover rate
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure
Discloses retention or turnover rate
22% of the industry discloses retention or turnover rate.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 78% of the industry.
22% of the industry discloses retention or turnover rate.
45% of all companies disclose retention or turnover rate.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 55% of all companies.
45% of all companies disclose retention or turnover rate.

Fair Chance Policy:

Not Disclosed
This data point captures whether a company has a fair chance program or policy focused on hiring or eliminating barriers for people with criminal records. Companies demonstrate leading practice by publicly disclosing any fair chance programs or policies.
Find links to exemplary disclosure on Fair Chance Policy by clicking here.
No disclosure
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure
Discloses fair chance program or policy for hiring individuals with an arrest or criminal conviction record
No disclosure for 93% of the industry.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 93% of the industry.
7% of the industry discloses fair chance program or policy for hiring individuals with an arrest or criminal conviction record.
No disclosure for 94% of all companies.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 94% of all companies.
6% of all companies disclose fair chance program or policy for hiring individuals with an arrest or criminal conviction record.

Veteran Hiring Policy:

Not Disclosed
This data point captures whether a company has a policy to actively recruit veterans. Companies demonstrate leading practice by publicly disclosing a proactive veteran hiring policy/program, distinct from employee resource groups and/or non-discrimination policies.
Find links to exemplary disclosure on Veteran Hiring Policy by clicking here.
No disclosure
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure
Discloses policy to hire veterans
No disclosure for 64% of the industry.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 64% of the industry.
36% of the industry discloses policy to hire veterans.
No disclosure for 65% of all companies.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 65% of all companies.
35% of all companies disclose policy to hire veterans.

Working Hours Policies:

Yes 4/ 4
This data point captures whether a company discloses any flexible working hours policies, such as employee-created schedules and condensed work weeks, or stable scheduling policies intended to improve the predictability and adequacy of work hours for its hourly employees, such as standard times for shifts and elimination of on-calls. Companies demonstrate leading practice by publicly disclosing at least one flexible or stable scheduling policy.
Find links to exemplary disclosure on Working Hours Policies by clicking here.
Offers flexible working hours or stable scheduling policies
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure
Offers flexible working hours or stable scheduling policies
61% of the industry offers flexible working hours or stable scheduling policies.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 39% of the industry.
61% of the industry offers flexible working hours or stable scheduling policies.
57% of all companies offer flexible working hours or stable scheduling policies.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 43% of all companies.
57% of all companies offer flexible working hours or stable scheduling policies.

Training & Development

2.33Out of 4 across 3 data points
This scorecard topic captures whether a company creates opportunities for professional development and career advancement. Companies demonstrate leading practice on this scorecard by disclosing specific opportunities for development, such as apprenticeship programs, educational support, and career training.

Apprenticeship Programs:

Not Disclosed
This data point captures whether a company offers U.S.-based paid apprenticeship programs. Companies demonstrate leading practice by publicly disclosing apprenticeship programs distinct from internship opportunities, accessible to current/past students, and not limited to people with degrees.
Find links to exemplary disclosure on Apprenticeship Programs by clicking here.
No disclosure
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure
Offers apprenticeship program
No disclosure for 88% of the industry.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 88% of the industry.
12% of the industry offers apprenticeship program.
No disclosure for 74% of all companies.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 74% of all companies.
26% of all companies offer apprenticeship program.

Average Hours of Training or Career Development per Employee:

24.00 hours 3/ 4
This data point captures the annual average hours of training or career development completed at a company per U.S. (preferred) or global employee. Companies demonstrate leading practice by publicly disclosing that employees complete at or above 30 hours of training on average.
Find links to exemplary disclosure on Average Hours of Training or Career Development per Employee by clicking here.
Averages at least 15 and fewer than 30 hours per employee
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure
Averages fewer than 15 hours per employee
Averages at least 15 and fewer than 30 hours per employee
Averages at or above 30 hours per employee
8% of the industry averages at least 15 and fewer than 30 hours per employee.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 78% of the industry.
10% of the industry averages fewer than 15 hours per employee.
8% of the industry averages at least 15 and fewer than 30 hours per employee.
3% of the industry averages at or above 30 hours per employee.
11% of all companies average at least 15 and fewer than 30 hours per employee.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 60% of all companies.
18% of all companies average fewer than 15 hours per employee.
11% of all companies average at least 15 and fewer than 30 hours per employee.
11% of all companies average at or above 30 hours per employee.

Tuition Reimbursement:

Yes 4/ 4
This data point captures whether a company offers tuition reimbursement and/or education assistance programs for employees. Companies demonstrate leading practice by publicly disclosing tuition reimbursement and/or education assistance policies.
Find links to exemplary disclosure on Tuition Reimbursement by clicking here.
Offers tuition reimbursement or educational assistance
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure
Offers tuition reimbursement or educational assistance
56% of the industry offers tuition reimbursement or educational assistance.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 44% of the industry.
56% of the industry offers tuition reimbursement or educational assistance.
75% of all companies offer tuition reimbursement or educational assistance.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 25% of all companies.
75% of all companies offer tuition reimbursement or educational assistance.

Wages & Compensation

3.86Out of 4 across 7 data points
Top in Industry
This scorecard topic captures whether a company equitably and adequately compensates employees to sustain their financial security. Companies demonstrate leading practice on this scorecard by disclosing entry level pay that is equitable across demographic groups and meets workers' basic budgetary needs, while also offering wealth building opportunities.

Gender Pay Equity Ratio:

Yes 4/ 4
This data point captures whether a company discloses the adjusted women-to-men pay ratio based on its most recent gender pay equity analysis. Companies demonstrate leading practice by publicly disclosing gender pay equity analysis results.
Find links to exemplary disclosure on Gender Pay Equity Ratio by clicking here.
Discloses gender pay ratio
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure
Discloses gender pay ratio
19% of the industry discloses gender pay ratio.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 81% of the industry.
19% of the industry discloses gender pay ratio.
18% of all companies disclose gender pay ratio.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 82% of all companies.
18% of all companies disclose gender pay ratio.

Living Wage Statement:

Yes 4/ 4
This data point captures whether a company commits to paying a living wage. Companies demonstrate leading practice by publicly disclosing a living wage statement or a minimum wage at or above $17.23, the MIT Living Wage Calculator's national population-weighted average wage for a single worker, or an equivalent annual salary.
Find links to exemplary disclosure on Living Wage Statement by clicking here.
Discloses living wage statement or pays at or above a living wage threshold for a single worker
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure
Discloses living wage statement or pays at or above a living wage threshold for a single worker
2% of the industry discloses living wage statement or pays at or above a living wage threshold for a single worker.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 98% of the industry.
2% of the industry discloses living wage statement or pays at or above a living wage threshold for a single worker.
10% of all companies disclose living wage statement or pays at or above a living wage threshold for a single worker.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 90% of all companies.
10% of all companies disclose living wage statement or pays at or above a living wage threshold for a single worker.

Minimum Wage or Salary Disclosure:

Minimum wage or salary 4/ 4
This data point captures a company's minimum wage or salary disclosure. Companies demonstrate leading practice by publicly disclosing the minimum hourly wage or salary for their U.S. workforce.
Find links to exemplary disclosure on Minimum Wage or Salary Disclosure by clicking here.
Discloses minimum or lowest wage or salary
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure
Discloses average minimum wage or salary
Discloses minimum or lowest wage or salary
2% of the industry discloses minimum or lowest wage or salary.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 98% of the industry.
0% of the industry discloses average minimum wage or salary.
2% of the industry discloses minimum or lowest wage or salary.
11% of all companies disclose minimum or lowest wage or salary.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 86% of all companies.
3% of all companies disclose average minimum wage or salary.
11% of all companies disclose minimum or lowest wage or salary.

Minimum Wage or Salary:

$18.00 3/ 4
This data point captures a company's minimum wage or salary. Companies demonstrate leading practice by disclosing a minimum wage at or above $25.02, the MIT Living Wage Calculator's national population-weighted average wage for a family of two full-time working adults and two children, or the equivalent annual salary.
Find links to exemplary disclosure on Minimum Wage or Salary by clicking here.
Pays a living wage for a single worker, but not enough for a family of two workers and two children
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure
Pays a minimum wage below $15
Pays a minimum wage between $15 and a living wage threshold for a single worker
Pays a living wage for a single worker, but not enough for a family of two workers and two children
Pays a living wage for a family of two workers and two children
2% of the industry pays a living wage for a single worker, but not enough for a family of two workers and two children.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 98% of the industry.
0% of the industry pays a minimum wage below $15.
0% of the industry pays a minimum wage between $15 and a living wage threshold for a single worker.
2% of the industry pays a living wage for a single worker, but not enough for a family of two workers and two children.
0% of the industry pays a living wage for a family of two workers and two children.
4% of all companies pay a living wage for a single worker, but not enough for a family of two workers and two children.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 89% of all companies.
1% of all companies pay a minimum wage below $15.
6% of all companies pay a minimum wage between $15 and a living wage threshold for a single worker.
4% of all companies pay a living wage for a single worker, but not enough for a family of two workers and two children.
0% of all companies pay a living wage for a family of two workers and two children.

Pay Equity Analyses:

Yes 4/ 4
This data point captures whether a company conducts pay equity analyses across all its workers. Companies demonstrate leading practice by publicly disclosing that they conduct pay gap analyses based on gender, race, ethnicity, or other factors, ideally by publishing the results of their analyses.
Find links to exemplary disclosure on Pay Equity Analyses by clicking here.
Conducts gender, race/ethnicity, or other pay equity analysis
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure
Conducts gender, race/ethnicity, or other pay equity analysis
44% of the industry conducts gender, race/ethnicity, or other pay equity analysis.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 56% of the industry.
44% of the industry conducts gender, race/ethnicity, or other pay equity analysis.
48% of all companies conduct gender, race/ethnicity, or other pay equity analysis.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 52% of all companies.
48% of all companies conduct gender, race/ethnicity, or other pay equity analysis.

Race/Ethnicity Pay Equity Ratio:

Yes 4/ 4
This data point captures whether a company discloses the adjusted POC-to-white pay ratio based on its most recent race/ethnicity pay equity analysis. Companies demonstrate leading practice by publicly disclosing race/ethnicity pay equity analysis results.
Find links to exemplary disclosure on Race/Ethnicity Pay Equity Ratio by clicking here.
Discloses race/ethnicity pay ratio
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure
Discloses race/ethnicity pay ratio
14% of the industry discloses race/ethnicity pay ratio.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 86% of the industry.
14% of the industry discloses race/ethnicity pay ratio.
12% of all companies disclose race/ethnicity pay ratio.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 88% of all companies.
12% of all companies disclose race/ethnicity pay ratio.

Employee Ownership Opportunities:

Yes 4/ 4
This data point captures whether a company offers any employee ownership opportunities, such as employee stock purchase plans (ESPPs), employee stock ownership plans (ESOPS), or stock awards. Companies demonstrate leading practice by publicly disclosing that they offer an employee ownership opportunity.
Find links to exemplary disclosure on Employee Ownership Opportunities by clicking here.
Discloses employee ownership opportunities
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure
Discloses employee ownership opportunities
93% of the industry discloses employee ownership opportunities.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 7% of the industry.
93% of the industry discloses employee ownership opportunities.
76% of all companies disclose employee ownership opportunities.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 24% of all companies.
76% of all companies disclose employee ownership opportunities.

Workforce Composition

3.20Out of 4 across 5 data points
This scorecard topic captures a company's workforce diversity and its goals to increase representation. Companies demonstrate leading practice on this scorecard by disclosing their workforce composition and measurable targets to increase diversity and equal opportunity through hiring, promotion, or retention.

Diversity and Opportunity Targets:

Yes 4/ 4
This data point captures whether a company has measurable targets to increase diversity and equal opportunity through hiring, workforce composition, promotion, or retention. Companies demonstrate leading practice by publicly disclosing quantitative, time-bound diversity and opportunity targets.
Find links to exemplary disclosure on Diversity and Opportunity Targets by clicking here.
Sets diversity targets
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure
Sets diversity targets
17% of the industry sets diversity targets.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 83% of the industry.
17% of the industry sets diversity targets.
29% of all companies set diversity targets.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 71% of all companies.
29% of all companies set diversity targets.

Gender Diversity Targets:

For Management 2/ 4
This data point captures whether a company has quantitative, time-bound targets to increase gender representation through hiring, workforce composition, promotion, or retention. Companies demonstrate leading practice by publicly disclosing workforce and management gender diversity targets.
Find links to exemplary disclosure on Gender Diversity Targets by clicking here.
Sets gender diversity targets for workforce or management
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure
Sets gender diversity targets for workforce or management
Sets gender diversity targets for workforce and management
5% of the industry sets gender diversity targets for workforce or management.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 88% of the industry.
5% of the industry sets gender diversity targets for workforce or management.
7% of the industry sets gender diversity targets for workforce and management.
16% of all companies set gender diversity targets for workforce or management.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 76% of all companies.
16% of all companies set gender diversity targets for workforce or management.
8% of all companies set gender diversity targets for workforce and management.

Race/Ethnicity Diversity Targets:

For Management 2/ 4
This data point captures whether a company has quantitative, time-bound targets to increase representation by race/ethnicity through hiring, workforce composition, promotion, or retention. Companies demonstrate leading practice by publicly disclosing workforce and management race and ethnicity diversity targets.
Find links to exemplary disclosure on Race/Ethnicity Diversity Targets by clicking here.
Sets race/ethnicity diversity targets for workforce or management
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure
Sets race/ethnicity diversity targets for workforce or management
Sets race/ethnicity diversity targets for workforce and management
2% of the industry sets race/ethnicity diversity targets for workforce or management.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 83% of the industry.
2% of the industry sets race/ethnicity diversity targets for workforce or management.
15% of the industry sets race/ethnicity diversity targets for workforce and management.
12% of all companies set race/ethnicity diversity targets for workforce or management.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 77% of all companies.
12% of all companies set race/ethnicity diversity targets for workforce or management.
11% of all companies set race/ethnicity diversity targets for workforce and management.

Workforce Gender Diversity Data:

Yes 4/ 4
This data point captures a company's disclosure of workforce demographics by gender. Companies demonstrate leading practice by publicly disclosing workforce gender diversity data.
Find links to exemplary disclosure on Workforce Gender Diversity Data by clicking here.
Discloses workforce gender diversity data
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure
Discloses workforce gender diversity data
88% of the industry discloses workforce gender diversity data.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 12% of the industry.
88% of the industry discloses workforce gender diversity data.
89% of all companies disclose workforce gender diversity data.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 11% of all companies.
89% of all companies disclose workforce gender diversity data.

Workforce Race/Ethnicity Diversity Data:

EEO-1 Report or Intersectional Data 4/ 4
This data point captures a company's disclosure of workforce demographics by race/ethnicity. Companies demonstrate leading practice by publicly disclosing a consolidated Employer Information Report (EEO-1 Report), or alternative disclosure of workforce demographic data that includes intersectional race/ethnicity and gender representation.
Find links to exemplary disclosure on Workforce Race/Ethnicity Diversity Data by clicking here.
Discloses an EEO-1 Report or intersectional data by gender, race/ethnicity, and job category
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure
Discloses the number or percentage of people of color
Discloses the number or percentage of employees by detailed race/ethnicity groups
Discloses an EEO-1 Report or intersectional data by gender, race/ethnicity, and job category
34% of the industry discloses an EEO-1 Report or intersectional data by gender, race/ethnicity, and job category.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 15% of the industry.
5% of the industry discloses the number or percentage of people of color.
46% of the industry discloses the number or percentage of employees by detailed race/ethnicity groups.
34% of the industry discloses an EEO-1 Report or intersectional data by gender, race/ethnicity, and job category.
47% of all companies disclose an EEO-1 Report or intersectional data by gender, race/ethnicity, and job category.
0 1 2 3 4
No disclosure for 17% of all companies.
13% of all companies disclose the number or percentage of people of color.
23% of all companies disclose the number or percentage of employees by detailed race/ethnicity groups.
47% of all companies disclose an EEO-1 Report or intersectional data by gender, race/ethnicity, and job category.

Scorecard PDF Access

Company representatives can access a PDF of their organization’s Scorecard through the Corporate Portal. If you don’t have a Corporate Portal account, you can request access to your company’s PDF by emailing corpengage@justcapital.com. In your request, please include: name, work email, company, and title.

Leading Practice Examples

For examples of leading job quality disclosure and practice, explore JUST Capital's Corporate Guide to Human Capital Disclosure and Leading Practice.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

The Scorecard holistically integrates diversity, equity, and inclusion across all six job quality topic areas, with relevant data points tagged with a DEI designation. To explore additional insights and resources on DEI, visit our Advancing Racial Equity Initiative.

Overall JUST Jobs Performance Categories

BEGINNER:  Starting the journey with early steps toward transparency and an overall score between 0 and 0.99.
260 companies achieved this designation.
EXPLORER:  Making progress with limited disclosures and practices and an overall score between 1 and 1.99.
509 companies achieved this designation.
BUILDER:  Ahead of the pack, building foundational disclosures and practices with an overall score between 2 and 2.99.
162 companies achieved this designation.
LEADER:  Championing good disclosures and practices with an overall score between 3 and 3.99.
Six companies achieved this designation.
TRAILBLAZER:  Setting the bar with the current leading practice across all measures with an overall score of 4.
No Russell 1000 company has achieved this designation yet.
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