Index Concepts

JUST Capital is dedicated to demonstrating how just business - defined by the priorities of the American public - is better business. Our Index Concepts deliver actionable intelligence for companies and investors, demonstrating how market-leading stakeholder engagement drives superior returns.

The Indexes track the performance of companies scoring in the top 20% of JUST Capital products - the annual Rankings or the JUST Jobs Scorecard - and compares performance against Russell 1000 benchmarks. 

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Index Concepts Categories


To evaluate a company's environmental impact, JUST measures whether it (1) minimizes pollution, (2) uses sustainable materials, (3) combats climate change, and (4) uses resources efficiently.

Environment Concepts

Environment Leaders

The Environment Leaders index concept takes the top 20% of Russell 1000 companies in JUST's annual Rankings focused on the Environment. This concept highlights the performance and impact of investing in companies that prioritize protecting natural resources and reducing environmental impact.

Our data set covers four Issues encompassing 48 data points, including those that track Scope 1, 2, and 3 Emissions, Climate Commitments, Sustainable Materials, Renewable Energy Percentages, and more. Overall, Environmental Issues account for 12% of a company's score in our 2023 Rankings of America's Most JUST Companies.

Cumulative Returns since Dec 31 2021
As Of Environment Leaders Russell 1000 Equal Weighted Index
12-31-2024 14.95% 12.04%


Environment Leaders   Russell 1000 Equal Weighted Index

Sector Active Exposures vs. the Russell 1000 Equal Weighted Index

Environment Leaders

Climate Change Leaders

The Climate Leaders index concept takes the top 20% of Russell 1000 companies in JUST's annual Rankings that actively employ strategies to mitigate climate-related risks. This concept highlights the performance and impact of investing in companies that set clear operational commitments and goals designed to combat climate change.

Our data set encompasses 10 data points, such as Scope 1 and 2 Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Commitments to Net Zero by 2050, SBTI 1.5 Degree Scenario Targets, and more. The "Combats climate change" Issue accounts for 2.6% of a company's score in our 2023 Rankings of America's Most JUST Companies.

Cumulative Returns since Dec 31 2021
As Of Climate Change Leaders Russell 1000 Equal Weighted Index
12-31-2024 15.46% 12.04%


Climate Change Leaders   Russell 1000 Equal Weighted Index

Sector Active Exposures vs. the Russell 1000 Equal Weighted Index

Climate Change Leaders

Sustainable Products & Services Leaders

The Sustainable Materials Leaders index concept takes the top 20% of Russell 1000 companies in JUST's annual Rankings that use sustainable materials. This concept highlights the performance and impact of investing in companies that prioritize sustainable materials across their operations and supply chain in an effort to limit their environmental impact.

Our data set encompasses 32 data points, covering Scope 3 Emissions from a variety of sources, as well as whether a company makes efforts to reduce packaging, implement circular practices, utilize alternative fuel vehicles, and more. The "Uses Sustainable Materials" Issue accounts for 3.5% of a company's score in our 2023 Rankings of America's Most JUST Companies.

Cumulative Returns since Dec 31 2021
As Of Sustainable Products & Services Leaders Russell 1000 Equal Weighted Index
12-31-2024 17.9% 12.04%


Sustainable Products & Services Leaders   Russell 1000 Equal Weighted Index

Sector Active Exposures vs. the Russell 1000 Equal Weighted Index

Sustainable Products & Services Leaders

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