
Fair and Living Wage

Ranking weight: 11.6%

Americans agree that the top priority for companies should be to pay their workers a fair, living wage – covering local needs for food, housing, and medical care, and adjusting for cost of living increases.

How we measure whether a company pays a fair, living wage

  • Living Wage

    • Share of U.S. Workers Earning a Family Living Wage

      An estimate of the share of the company's full-time employees in the United States making at or above a living wage. To model this, we partner with Revelio Labs, which uses a combination of company- and employee-level data from H-1B visa filings, online job postings data, and to predict a salary for each worker who identifies themselves on online professional profiles as working for the company, assuming they work full-time. We then compare an individual worker's salary to its corresponding local living wage that covers the unique local costs of basic needs in 2024 for a family of two full-time workers and two children. That local living wage data is sourced from the MIT Living Wage Calculator. Finally, we calculate the share of workers in the company making above this threshold, weighting by individual sample weights to account for the fact that worker observations come from an online-only population. For more detail on all of JUST Capital's modeled wage data points, read our one-pager here.

      Source: revelio

      Date: 2023 - 2024

    • Minimum Wage-to-Living Wage Ratio

      A comparison of the company's lowest entry-level wage or salary, as publicly disclosed, to the national population-weighted average living wage for one working adult with no dependents, sourced from the MIT Living Wage Calculator. When the company's minimum wage or salary is not publicly available, the current federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour is used for the comparison.

      Source: JUST Capital

      Date: Latest year available*

    • Relative Pay Within Industry Score

      A comparison of the company's estimated salaries for full-time U.S. workers to those estimated for its industry peers across occupations in the United States. To model this, we partner with Revelio Labs, which uses a combination of company- and employee-level data from H-1B visa filings, online job postings data, and to predict a salary for each worker who identifies themselves on online professional profiles as working for the company, assuming they work full-time. We compare the median salary for a given role at the company to the median salary for that role across the company's industry and compute the percentage difference between the two. To get the final score, we then average all the calculated percentage differences by role for the company. A positive value indicates that the company is paying better for roles, on average, than the typical company within its industry. For more detail on all of JUST Capital's modeled wage data points, read our one-pager here.

      Source: revelio

      Date: 2023 - 2024

  • Pay Equity

    • Pay Equity Analyses

      An evaluation of whether the company performs pay equity analyses for all employees, considering factors such as gender, race, ethnicity, and others, as publicly disclosed by the company. A value of "4" is given to companies that disclose conducting both gender and race/ethnicity pay equity analyses, "3" for conducting a race/ethnicity pay equity analysis, "2" for conducting a gender pay equity analysis, and "1" for conducting a pay equity analysis without specifying the factors analyzed.

      Source: Company filings and other public documents

      Date: Latest year available*

    • Gender Pay Gap Analysis Results

      The adjusted women-to-men pay ratio at the company, based on its most recent pay equity analysis, as publicly disclosed by the company.

      Source: Company filings and other public documents

      Date: Latest year available*

    • Race and Ethnicity Pay Gap Analysis Results

      The adjusted person of color-to-white pay ratio at the company, based on its most recent pay equity analysis, as publicly disclosed by the company.

      Source: Company filings and other public documents

      Date: Latest year available*

  • Lowest Wage and Wage Violations

    • Minimum Wage or Salary Threshold

      The lowest entry-level wage or salary, as publicly disclosed by the company.

      Source: Company filings and other public documents

      Date: Latest year available*

    • Minimum Wage or Salary Disclosure

      An assessment of whether the company discloses information on its minimum hourly wage or salary.

      Source: Company filings and other public documents

      Date: Latest year available*

    • U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Compliance Violation Fines

      The sum of any back wage amounts or civil penalties attributed to the company over the past three years. This data is sourced from the Violation Tracker produced by the Corporate Research Project of Good Jobs First, which uses information from the Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division.

      Source: Good Jobs First

      Date: July 2021 - July 2024

    • 2023 Global Revenue

      The company's total global revenue in 2023.

      Source: S&P/CapIQ

      Date: 2023

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