A Guide for Corporate Leaders on Paid Leave Policies
In collaboration with Dayforce, this paid leave policy benchmarking toolkit connects corporate performance with evidence-based leading practice to help companies smartly invest in worker well-being.
Paid sick leave is more crucial than ever, but many low-paid Americans lack access during the coronavirus crisis.
The JUST Capital Rankings on Corporate Tax Reform
In 2018, the Russell 1000 companies we track and analyze for our rankings are set to receive a tax windfall of nearly $150 billion. How will companies distribute this money?
JUST Companies Exhibit Lower Investment Risk
Companies that behave more justly are also more resilient to market and earnings risks.
Outperformance of JUST Investable Equity Indexes
Equity indexes of our most JUST companies have higher Sharpe ratios, similar or better downside risk characteristics, and moderate tracking risk versus the Russell 1000.
JUSTness Undervalued: The Market Valuation of JUST Companies
JUST 100 trade at a small valuation discount to their industry peers