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JUST Alpha

February 6, 2018  |  JUST Capital

2017 Year In Review

As we look ahead to 2018, we’re reflecting on the progress we made in the past year, and aim to forge ahead along this path toward creating a more just and equitable marketplace.

May 4, 2017  |  JUST Capital

JUST Companies Exhibit Lower Investment Risk

Companies that behave more justly are also more resilient to market and earnings risks.

Stock Calculations

May 4, 2017  |  JUST Capital

The More JUST the Company, the Steadier the Stock

What do Microsoft, Colgate-Palmolive, and AT&T have in common?

Correlation between JUSTness and low market risk

May 4, 2017  |  JUST Capital

Significant Correlation between JUST Companies and Lower Market Risk, According to Newly-Released Analysis

Outperformance by JUST Investable Indexes

March 23, 2017  |  JUST Capital

Outperformance of JUST Investable Equity Indexes

Equity indexes of our most JUST companies have higher Sharpe ratios, similar or better downside risk characteristics, and moderate tracking risk versus the Russell 1000.

JUSTness Undervalued

March 21, 2017  |  JUST Capital

JUSTness Undervalued: The Market Valuation of JUST Companies

JUST 100 trade at a small valuation discount to their industry peers

Company Size

March 17, 2017  |  JUST Capital

Does company size drive JUST Capital’s ranking?

It isn’t only the very largest companies that can “afford” to behave justly.

Crane Lift

December 20, 2016  |  JUST Capital

Happy Together: Capital and Labor at JUST Companies

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