JUST Capital is an independent nonprofit research organization that is unaligned from any entity, corporation or corporate interest. We are supported by and funded via grants from private individuals, foundations, and our board members, who share our vision and want to support our mission. If you are interested in learning more about how you can support JUST Capital, please contact us or donate now.
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Academic Collaborators
Individual and Family Foundation Supporters – 2023
We are grateful to our Board of Directors for all the ways they support JUST Capital, and proud that 100% of our full-year Board members contributed in 2023
* JUST Capital Advisor
Calvin Abel
Katherine Adami
Rasheed Adewole
Benjamin Allen
Jerusa Altema
Wayne Anaka
Ryan Andolina
Caroline Araskog
Chad Astmann
David Babikian
Olivia Barry
Miller Biggs
George Brandman
Alex Brazinski
Barbara Breen
Blake Berman
Nicholas Breen
Olivia Breen
Michel Brown
Adam Burr
*Kathy Calvin
Speight Carr
Thomas Chandler
Jenny Changnon
Lynne Clausen
Gabriel Cocinescu
*Carol Cone ON PURPOSE
Bob Conway
Selena Cuffe
George Curtis
Diana Dangoor
Jennifer Daniel
Lionel Darbonne
Dan Day
K. Day
Kathleen Day
Steven Day
Nick Deveau
Ibrahima Diallo
Charlotte Diamond
Jeremy Diamond
Camilla Digaloma
Digital Realty
Caroline DiGregorio
William Dombrowski
Dubin Family Foundation
Stephanie Dubois
Meghan Dumser
Guy Ellis
Amanda Engel
Brooks English
Sandra Feingerts
Julieta Feltrin
Dom Feroze
The Jesse & Betsy Fink Family Foundation
Collin Finnerty
Aquinnah Fox
Ed Freeman
Kevin Gardrvits
Yusuf George
Charlotte Gilbert
Bradford Giles
JohnPaul Glover
Andrew Gourlay
Yolene Gousse
Ann Graham
Riley Griffin
Andrew Grohe
Danielle Gruber
Nady Gustave
Beckett Haglund
Patricia Hall
Spencer Hall
Jaclyn Hanley
Kevin Hannon
Nakisha Harris
Angela Harter
Joseph G. Hartsig
Ben Healey
Shyla Hendrickson
Debra Henneberger
Hannah Ho
Reid Hoffman
Charles Hoffner
Julia Holzman
Lee Howell
Alison Hunter
Dimitri Jean
Natalie Johnson
Sarah Johnston
*Hubert Joly
Dean & Dottie Serure
Korree Jones
Ellen Kaminski
Yusef Kassim
Lauren Kasten
Kathleen Kelley
Katherine Kelter
Joanna Kenney
Adam Kiki-Charles
Claire Kim
John King
Jacob Kite
Sarah Kraemer
Warren Kraemer
Pascale Lafortune
Engy Lamour
Real Lamour
Curtis Langdon
Christopher LaSala
Winslow Laverack
Alexandra Lebenthal
Rachel Lesnik
Nicole Lewis
Thera Lewis
Ronni Lieberman
Alex Lieberman-Cribbin
Wil Lieberman-Cribbin
Samantha Light
Byron & Anne Loflin
Karen LoMaistro
Ernest & Solange Lubin
Ernest Lubin Jr.
Lakeisha Lubin
Michel-Ange Lubin
Olivia Lui
Lisa Mann
Amy Manzone
*Michael Maoz
Jeannie Marmol
Clayton Marsh
The Martin Family Charitable Foundation
Dina Mastrodimos
Frank Mazza
Rob McCullam
Mary Beth McDowell
Elizabeth McGee
Kyle McGoey
Shaw McKean
*Susan McPherson
James McRitchie,
Rilwan Meeran
Aldo Merlo
Conscious Endeavors
Stella Misomali
Morgan Mitchell
Johnita Mizelle
Jacqueline Monetta
Cheryl Moreau
*Denise Morrison
Charles Napoleon
Alexa Nevins
Marianna Newman
Sean Newman
Felisha Noel
Amy Novak
Anna Novogratz
Nancy O'Flynn
Donna O'Connor-Keil
George Okrah
Ellen Oppenheim
Kurt Ostlund
Won Palisoul
Jason-Phillip Park
Tony Pasquariello
Greg Pera
Brian Pete
Cassie Picciano
Duncan Piper
Teresita Pointer
Christina Pope
Stephen Powell
Victoria Press
Erin Raphael
MaryAnne Rasmussen
Kelvin Read
Joe Recker
Laura Reddy
Christian Reed
Beth Reilly
Elizabeth Reilly
Rebecca Reilly
Sarah Reilly
Naomi Renelus
Michael Rhys
Elena Rodriguez-Villa
Carrie Rotkis
Clayton Rowe
Declan Ryan
Margaret Ryan
Carlos Salcedo
Samantha Salcedo
*English Sall
Julia Sanz Minchot
Julia Sassi
Nina Savransky
Donna Schlessel
Sam Schlessel
Khwaja Shaik
*David Evans Shaw
David Shifke
Katherine Shifke
Mark Shifke
Patricia Shifke
Daniel Smith
Robin Smith
Diane Sobin
Betty Spomer
Daniel Stairiker
Daniel Staley
Valerie Staley
Brande Stellings
Sam Stortz
Jordan Summers
Jack Sykes
Robbie Tanner
Lisa Terrero
Laurie Thompson
Marilyn Thornton
Rupali Tirmal
Nicole Tsesmelis
Nate Victor
Sheryl Waldman
Marion Weiss
Marion Weiss
Ian Weissman
Hannah Welch
Jacques Wiener
Michele Wiener
Anthony Williams
*Caroline Williams
Tim Williams
Tim Williams
Hank Winton
Leighton Zema
Gary Zeng