The JUST Report: Which Companies Do Best For Working Mothers?

(Getty Images/MoMo Productions)
We appreciate that many of you eagerly await the arrival of our newsletter every Friday morning and so are grateful for your patience and flexibility to let us bring you CNBC’s latest coverage of our newly released report – in honor of Mother’s Day – on how companies are really stepping up to support working moms (and parents overall).
Our Top Companies for Parents report (NBC coverage inside) spotlights some of the leaders, including S&P Global, American Express, Deckers Outdoor Corp., Goldman Sachs, and Splunk Inc. All offer flexible scheduling, as well as benefits such as fully remote or hybrid working arrangements to help parents and working moms in particular navigate work-life balance., They also provide 20 or more weeks of paid parental leave for both primary and secondary caregivers, parental leave parity for all caregivers, backup and subsidized dependent care, and more.
Beyond this, many companies are also doing more to explicitly accelerate progress for women within their workplaces. Deckers, for example, sets quantifiable and time-bound targets to achieve gender parity in leadership positions and its Board of Directors. Goldman Sachs sets hiring goals for women in both entry level positions and senior management. And S&P and AmEx disclose conducting pay equity analyses to ensure fair compensation regardless of gender.
At a time when many forces seek to divide us, this feels like something we can all join together to celebrate. Explore the list here.
Be well,
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Quote of the Week
(Bright Horizons)
“This is really a wake up call to all employers that they need to move both quickly and substantively to offer these kinds of benefits. The pandemic afforded working parents some flexibility, that in many ways, has started to dissipate or has fully dissipated in this return to a more traditional [work] environment. Employers leaned in during the pandemic, and are now leaning back out, but are not placing supports to compensate for that change.”
- Stephen Kramer, CEO of Bright Horizons, in an interview with Fortune on the state of parental leave and childcare benefits throughout the U.S. More on this in our Chart of the Week below.
The New York Times takes a look at the impact generative A.I. is having on the climate, now that the implications of the technology are becoming clearer.
Nasdaq examines the ways that Artificial Intelligence could be used to improve ESG assessments and keep appetite strong for new funds.
According to Fortune, Millennials need to boost their AI skills to avoid having their jobs swallowed up by Gen-Z.
Must Reads
Harvard Business Review releases a fascinating bit of research that shows that when employees identify with their company, they are far less likely to recognize gender discrimination at their office, or forms of disrespectful conduct that have an underlying bias. Learn more here.
The Washington Post chronicles how corporations are scuttling their DEI language, as many are starting to view it as more of a risk than a benefit, at the same time that McKinsey’s initial research on the benefits of DEI has come under scrutiny for having results that cannot be replicated. Meanwhile, Fortune takes a look at how diversity chiefs at some of America’s largest companies are preparing for an incredibly divisive election season among their staff.
Yahoo reports that Apple’s latest stock buyback plan is the largest made by any U.S. corporation ever, approving $110 billion in repurchases.
Chart of the Week
This chart comes from a collaboration between The Harris Poll and Bright Horizons examining the state of childcare across the U.S. for working parents. The research was featured in Fortune and includes an interview that you can read here.