Are You Being Paid Fairly? Here’s How to Find Out
If you’re not quite ready to ask your colleagues how much they make, you’re not alone. The good news is that you can research pay fairness yourself by delving into large and growing databases of salary information. Start here.
5 Striking Takeaways from Our 2020 Rankings Release
Here are some of the most interesting trends we uncovered after tracking, analyzing, and ranking 922 companies from the Russell 1000 across five stakeholder groups, including Workers, Customers, Communities, the Environment, and Shareholders.
The Boardroom Sage Who Was Into Good Governance Before It Was Cool
Corporate-governance guru Ira Millstein has long promoted the view that companies have broader obligations than turning profits. Lately, some of America’s most influential CEOs have been taking a fresh look at that idea.
A new report released today by the nonprofit organization Ceres calls on corporate boards to systematically and explicitly oversee ESG risks as global climate and water crises worsen.
Innovation Should Be Made in the U.S.A.
Offshoring by American companies has destroyed our manufacturing base and our capacity to develop new products and processes. It’s time for a national industrial policy.
Here Are 6 Creative Ways Companies Celebrated Their Inclusion in the JUST 100
Six creative standouts celebrating the 2020 Rankings.
5 Insights from Our Quarterly JUST Call with PayPal
If you want to know what changing the narrative on stakeholder capitalism looks like in action, watch our first Quarterly JUST Call.
Top 5 Most JUST Companies in America
These five companies are leading the way on the issues that matter most in the stakeholder economy. Here’s why they performed so well.
Announcing the 2020 Rankings of America’s Most JUST Companies
The Leading Measure of Corporate Performance in the Stakeholder Economy
Is Your Privacy Protected? Here’s How to Find Out
It’s not really feasible to totally disconnect from the world and stop sharing any information. But it is feasible to find out which companies you can safely entrust your information to. Here’s how.
3 Myths About Employee Happiness
Only about one-third of the U.S. workforce feels enthusiastic about their job today. What’s an employer to do? The first step is understanding what actually attracts top talent and leads to a loyal and engaged workforce. Because it’s probably not what you think.
5 Corporate Scandals Every Leader Can Learn From
These five companies responded to scandals by taking responsibility and addressing the situation head on, proving that when handled correctly, a company absolutely can bounce back from controversy.
Minimum Wage in America: A Timeline
Since 1938, the U.S. federal government has established that workers are entitled to a base hourly wage. Which workers receive that minimum—and how much—has remained a political issue.
Yes, You Should Tell Your Friends How Much You Make. Here’s Why
Discussing money with your friends and coworkers shouldn’t be taboo. It could be a powerful defining moment for everyone involved. Here’s why, plus how to bring it up without feeling rude or unprofessional.
Hey CEOs: Here’s Your New To-Do List
The American public wants businesses to serve all stakeholders, including workers, customers, communities, and the environment. Here are eight things every corporate leader should do now to align more closely with the stakeholder model.
The New North Star: Stakeholder Capitalism
Free market enterprise is capable of producing extraordinary prosperity for all Americans – not just shareholders
A Roadmap for Stakeholder Capitalism: 2019 Survey Results
Our 2019 Roadmap details the Issues and stakeholders the American public wants U.S. companies to prioritize most to restore declining trust and create an economy that works for more Americans.
Closing the ‘First Promotion’ Gender Gap Would Add 1 Million Women to Management
Researchers found that men hold 62% of manager-level positions to women’s 38%—a disparity that researchers attribute to the gender gap in early-career promotions
6 Best Ways Companies Are Protecting the Planet
Americans agree that corporations must play a role in protecting our planet, but what exactly does that look like? Here are six excellent examples.
BlackRock bets on the circular economy with new fund
BlackRock is investing heavily in a greener economy.
What Is a Transparent Company, Really? (Plus, Why You Want to Work for One)
Transparency is more than sharing noble sentiments on the company’s “careers” page. Here’s what sets a truly transparent business apart and how disclosing detailed information about workplace policies benefits all key stakeholders.
5 Amazing (and Impactful) Ways Companies Are Taking Care of Their Employees
How would you know if a company was truly committed to supporting their employees? Let these five companies be your guide. All are taking steps to benefit the workers who keep their businesses going day to day.
How Healthy Is Your Workplace Culture?
Perhaps you’re deciding whether to join a company or trying to figure out what’s missing in your own corporate culture. Either way, it’s worthwhile to get a sense of how your company compares. Start here!
6 Companies Making a Big Investment in Their Communities
Top CEOs agree: Businesses should commit to balancing the needs of workers, customers, communities, and more. But what might that actually look like? It’s exactly what these six companies are doing for the communities in which they work.
6 Companies That Have Taken Bold Stands on Social Issues
Our nation’s business leaders agree: The world’s problems are too profound for them to stand silently by. That’s why these chief executives are speaking out on gun control, immigration, sustainability, and more.