Why Companies Should Invest in Local Education
Tracking how Salesforce and other companies are investing in local education in their communities.
Beyond the Paycheck: 5 Things to Consider Before You Accept a New Job
Most people focus on salary when considering a new job, but you can’t ignore the financial value of a robust benefits package. Here are a few policies worth looking into.
5 Reasons to Give Stakeholder Capitalism a Chance
Stakeholder capitalism should be given a chance to work. Here’s why.
6 Easy Ways to Support More JUST Companies, Starting Today
Companies that do the right thing deserve a show of support. Here are a few tangible ways you can do just that, starting today.
Why We Need Companies to Disclose Pay Gap Numbers Now More Than Ever
It’s up to companies to disclose and reduce their pay gaps.
We applaud Walmart for taking a stand on gun control – here’s why.
Building the Case for Quality Jobs in America
A new initiative from JUST Capital dedicated to increasing the prevalence of quality jobs in America
Top 4 Things Employees Care About
Perks like free snacks and foosball are nice, but they’re not what truly attracts workers to a company. Here’s what does, according to JUST Capital’s annual survey results.
The 33 Best Companies for Workers, by Industry
For Labor Day, we feature the best companies for workers.
From Shareholder Primacy to Stakeholder Capitalism
The purpose of a corporation is to benefit all stakeholders – customers, employees, suppliers, communities, and shareholders.
How Companies Can Curb the Rise of Workplace Burnout
A look at how U.S. companies today can tackle the growing issue of workplace burnout.
American Workers Need Education Assistance. Are They Getting It?
A look at how tuition reimbursement can benefit America’s low wage earners and create a win-win for workers and companies alike.
The Catalytic Power of Transparency in Creating a Diverse Workforce
Intel’s Barbara Whye discusses the company’s journey toward setting and reaching goals around diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Why Paid Parental Leave is Critically Important in Low-Wage Industries
Companies have a big role to play in creating economic opportunity for more Americans.
Here’s How Companies Are Performing on Gender Pay Equity Today
How is corporate America doing on gender pay equity?
The JUST Capital Board Expands
JUST Capital is thrilled to announce the addition of four new members to our Board of Directors.
The 14 Companies Taking the Lead on Parental Leave
These companies provide equal leave to both mothers and fathers – an increasingly common practices among companies that is shown to benefit working families in a myriad of ways.
Business and Markets as a Force for Good
Joining forces with Bloomberg to convene business and investment leaders for a discussion around the state of capitalism today.