The JUST Report: JUST Celebrates 10 Years…And Looks To The Future
We celebrated our 10-year anniversary this week by hosting a fantastic celebration and fundraising gala at Nasdaq Marketsite in Times Square.
The JUST Report: Corporations Step Up On Veteran Hiring
Reports from CNBC, Axios, Politico and others regarding recent government cuts, including 1,400 employees at the VA per Fox News, have indicated that one group in particular appears to have been particularly affected by the downsizing: veterans.
The JUST Report: How To Win the Battle for Talent
Surveying over 1,200 global business leaders for its new 2025 Risk Report, global consulting firm Protiviti identified the ability to attract, develop, and retain top talent, and talent and labor availability, as the #3 and #4 issues.
The JUST Report: In a “Crisis of Grievance”, Can Business Bring Some Healing Powers?
Edelman’s latest trust barometer shows important work ahead for business leaders.
The JUST Report: Five Predictions For 2025
Number 1: The ROI of stakeholder performance will dominate. Here’s why:
The JUST Report: New Indexes Show Human Capital Investments Keep On Delivering
As Henry Ford said, “If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.”
The JUST Report: These Examples Of Company Leadership Will Inspire You
Extraordinary leadership by companies on issues the American people prioritize is something we love to see. Yes, we know there is a strong business case for this, as our investment indices evidence. But sometimes they’re just great to highlight out of pure gratification.
The JUST Report: Why Trump’s Victory Makes Just Business Even More Important
Although the dust is still settling from this week’s historic election, two things are becoming apparent.
The JUST Report: Whoever Wins, This Is the One Thing They Must Get Right
Belief in the full faith and credit of the United States government, and the health of the economic system underpinning it, is what holds everything together. History teaches us what happens when that unravels – from the third century Roman Empire to imperial Spain to pre-revolution France. It must not be taken for granted.
The JUST Report: How Are Politics Affecting Americans’ Views On Business?
Americans’ Views on Business Survey, released this week, carries extra significance. Our longest running survey, it has captured how Americans – on a fully representative basis – feel about capitalism, business and society since 2015.
The JUST Report: AI’s Impacts On Workers And How To Handle Them
A new study from our friends at the Brookings Institute finds that more than 30% of all workers could see at least half of their occupation’s tasks disrupted by generative AI, and that the disruptions will be felt across “cognitive” and “nonroutine” tasks, especially in middle- to higher-paid professions. What can businesses do to prepare?
The JUST Report: Corporations Are Starting To Prioritize Worker Wealth Creation
The new Employment Rights Bill in the UK places employee benefits firmly on the agenda in that country and, if passed into law, will presumably affect many of the companies we cover that do business there.
The JUST Report: Hurricane Helene Gives Corporations A Chance To Lead
As the saying goes, crisis doesn’t create character, it reveals it. For many business leaders, Hurricane Helene has given them the chance to show what they’re made of.
The JUST Report: Does Climate Week Matter?
Are we actually on track to combat climate change? Who’s moving the needle? Who is holding everyone to account? And who, ultimately, will foot the bill for whatever future we have in store?
JUST Capital Welcomes Former PayPal CEO Dan Schulman as New Board Chair
Schulman was the CEO of PayPal for more than nine years and previously held leadership roles at American Express, Sprint Nextel Corporation, Priceline Group, and AT&T. He is a board member of Verizon, Cisco, Lazard, and the Cleveland Clinic.
The JUST Report: CEO Confidence and Stakeholder Value Creation Go Hand In Hand
A major survey on Global CEO Confidence released by EY last week provides some fascinating insights into the way corporate leaders around the world view the competitive and economic landscape right now.
The JUST Report: Is Warren Buffett a Stakeholder Capitalist?
Analysis released by Bain this week, which notes that his portfolio companies are predominantly in the top half of a global universe of 1,300 companies measured on employee, community and customer performance criteria, with one-third in the top quartile. I
The JUST Report: Five Years On, BRT’s Restatement Matters More Than Ever
Hardened by a cycle of embrace and backlash that continues to evolve, the stakeholder approach – in which the overarching goal is doing right by workers, communities, customers, suppliers, the planet and, yes, shareholders too – offers a clear blueprint for action which benefits everyone.
The JUST Report: Should America Be Run Like JPMorgan?
on Post Op-Ed this week, JPMorgan Chase Chairman and CEO Jamie Dimon laid bare the challenges facing the country but also offered a persuasive leadership vision for meeting them. If the way Dimon has built JPMC is anything to go by, it could be a powerful template for a more just society.
The JUST Report: Will Gen Z Become The Engine of a Just Economy?
Recent research from Sift, the AI-based fraud prevention platform, has revealed what it calls a “surprising generational divide”. It seems that Gen Zers – those born between 1997 and 2012 – express a significantly higher willingness to engage in online payment fraud compared to other generations Why?
The JUST Report: Living Wage Analysis Spotlights A Key Election Issue
One thing we know from our polling is that Republicans and Democrats agree that companies paying workers fairly and offering a living wage – meaning, enough to afford basic necessities at the local level – is essential to just business performance.
The JUST Report: Latest Returns Data Make Powerful Case For Just Investing
This week, we saw some powerful numbers that support the investment case for just business leadership.
The JUST Report: It’s Time For A Real Debate On The Future Of American Capitalism
“America’s political class was in the final stages of self-righteous detachment from the economic and social conditions of the nation it ruled.” So writes Oren Cass, Chief Economist at American Compass, in a NYT op-ed this week.
The JUST Report: A Mid-Year Check on The Corporate Stakeholder Landscape
Americans’ chief priorities remain firmly centered on pay, jobs, and economic security. The debates and discussions around corporations’ role in society continue, but have become markedly less heated and divisive, and more private, measured and–dare I say–meaningful
The JUST Report: Climate Risks Create Big Opportunities for Corporate Leadership
According to researchers, “under current climate conditions, lost labor productivity due to heat in the U.S. could reach $100 billion a year [and] that loss could reach $200 billion by 2030 and $500 billion by 2050.”