The JUST Report: JUST Celebrates 10 Years…And Looks To The Future
We celebrated our 10-year anniversary this week by hosting a fantastic celebration and fundraising gala at Nasdaq Marketsite in Times Square.
The JUST Report: Corporations Step Up On Veteran Hiring
Reports from CNBC, Axios, Politico and others regarding recent government cuts, including 1,400 employees at the VA per Fox News, have indicated that one group in particular appears to have been particularly affected by the downsizing: veterans.
The JUST Report: How To Win the Battle for Talent
Surveying over 1,200 global business leaders for its new 2025 Risk Report, global consulting firm Protiviti identified the ability to attract, develop, and retain top talent, and talent and labor availability, as the #3 and #4 issues.
WATCH: Paul Tudor Jones and HPE CEO Antonio Neri – America’s Most JUST Company – Talk to CNBC
Paul Tudor Jones and HPE CEO Antonio Neri join ‘Squawk Box’ to discuss Just Capital’s 2025 list of America’s most ‘Just’ companies.
Announcing the Release of the 2025 Ranking of America’s Most JUST Companies
Today, JUST Capital, in partnership with CNBC, is proud to announce the JUST 100 list as part of the 2025 Rankings of America’s Most JUST Companies.
As part of its 2025 Rankings, JUST Capital is proud to present its list of Industry leaders, or companies that receive the highest overall rank within each of our 36 industries.
How the 2025 Ranking Methodology Reflects Gig Workers’ Access to Key Benefits and Policies
We recognize the importance of addressing the whole of each stakeholder, which in a practical application can mean the entirety of a company’s workforce – including workers who aren’t legally or technically considered employees.
Each year, we factor into our Rankings a variety of events deemed materially detrimental to a company’s just business behavior.
The JUST Report: In a “Crisis of Grievance”, Can Business Bring Some Healing Powers?
Edelman’s latest trust barometer shows important work ahead for business leaders.
Celebrating 10 Years of JUST Leadership
Over the last 10 years, we have helped to transform how business success is defined, and prove that JUST business is better business.
How Are U.S. Companies Supporting Those Impacted by the LA Wildfires?
Here’s what businesses are doing in the wake of California’s devastating fires. Updated daily.
JUST Capital Welcomes Former PayPal CEO Dan Schulman as New Board Chair
Schulman was the CEO of PayPal for more than nine years and previously held leadership roles at American Express, Sprint Nextel Corporation, Priceline Group, and AT&T. He is a board member of Verizon, Cisco, Lazard, and the Cleveland Clinic.
A Guide for Corporate Leaders on Paid Leave Policies
In collaboration with Dayforce, this paid leave policy benchmarking toolkit connects corporate performance with evidence-based leading practice to help companies smartly invest in worker well-being.
From Bereavement Leave to Sabbaticals, Emerging Worker Well-Being Trends from Leading Companies
Nine years of polling has shown that paid leave policies are a key way for companies to differentiate themselves as a JUST employer. Here are some of the most unique paid leave policies companies are implementing, and the results for their employees and their business.
Levi Strauss’s CHRO Details Why the Company Expanded Family Leave
Why did Levi Strauss & Co. expand their paid family leave plan, and how did they make it happen? We speak with CHRO Tracy Layney to get the details.
JUST Capital Launches 2024 ‘JUST Jobs Scorecard’ Assessing Corporate Performance on Quality Jobs
Disclosures on the rise, but room for improvement for all of America’s largest companies.
JUST Jobs Scorecard: Human Capital Disclosure Rising, But Still Plenty of Room for Improvement
Without a standard set of foundational job quality metrics or a clear definition of what good looks like, it’s not always apparent how company leaders can demonstrate their employee value proposition or evaluate where they should invest to improve performance. This is why we’ve created the JUST Jobs Scorecard.
What Corporate Leaders Should Know About Our New JUST Jobs Scorecard
Leadership on good jobs isn’t confined to one industry. In fact, there are eight different industries represented among the ten top-performing companies overall.
More Than 36% of Russell 1000 Workers Don’t Make a Family-Sustaining Living Wage
6.1 million full-time American workers are not making enough to support a family with another full-time working adult and two children, our latest report with Revelio Labs shows.
Avangrid CFO Justin Lagasse speaks about how the initiative aligns with the energy company’s longterm goals of in a continuing to support employee financial health.
Avangrid Joins JUST Capital and PayPal’s Worker Financial Wellness Initiative
“We want to be a company that attracts top talent to build long-term careers,” said Pedro Azagra, Avangrid CEO.
JUST Capital’s Quarterly Review of Stakeholder Performance – Q4 2023
From January 2018 to December 2023, leading companies have outperformed their lower-ranked peers by 66.6%, with the Workers stakeholder delivering the strongest performance among the five we track in Q4.
Discover which companies are leading on the issues that matter most to Americans today. In 2024, Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) leads the JUST 100 for the first time.
Beginning with last year’s 2023 Rankings, we reached out to the same qualifying companies to more accurately capture the experience for gig workers and to ensure that these companies’ scores are more reflective of their entire workforce.
Wells Fargo, Meta, PG&E, and Others Receive ‘Unique Event Treatment’ in JUST’s 2024 Rankings
Each year, we factor into our Rankings a variety of events deemed materially detrimental to a company’s just business behavior. This year, ten companies received a unique event treatment.