Direct from Davos: 5 Takeaways on the Future of Stakeholder Capitalism
JUST was as a key voice at WEF this week, advancing the core theme of Stakeholder Capitalism. Here are 5 top takeaways.
Davos Dispatch: Why CEOs Need to Focus on Financial Stability for American Workers in 2020
CEOs : Perform a financial distress test of your workforce to really understand what percentage of workers aren’t making enough to cover their bills.
6 Ways Your Company Can Better Support Working Caregivers
Some executives may automatically assume that generous paid leave and paid time-off benefits help caregivers the most. And while they are beneficial, there are other things they can do. Here are six ways companies can greatly help working caregivers.
NBC Better Business: Paul Tudor Jones on Corporate Responsibility
Paul Tudor Jones and Martin Whittaker on NBC’s Better Business
2020 promises to be a defining year whichever way you look at it.
5 Common Mistakes Most Leaders Make
We asked an executive coach with more than 20 years of experience to share the most common missteps he sees managers make, plus how to correct them to be a more effective, respected leader.
7 Must-Read Books for the Stakeholder Economy
Embracing stakeholder capitalism requires a big shift in mindset and massive organizational change, neither of which is easy to achieve. But a great book can help by inspiring and energizing business leaders in their daily quest to do right by their stakeholders.
How to Keep Your Top Performers from Quitting
The cost of losing a top performer is far more than just the direct cost of replacing them. That’s why corporate leaders need to pay greater attention to how they engage and reward their best team members. Start here.
5 Key Takeaways from the Akamai Quarterly JUST Call
Unpacking Akamai’s performance in the market and across five key business stakeholders we measure: Workers, Customers, Communities, the Environment, and Shareholders.
The Business Roundtable Advocates for Paid Parental Leave: Here’s How Members Fare
BRT companies are more likely to offer paid parental leave, although they provide fewer weeks of leave compared to their peers.
The SEC Must Push for Specific Human Capital Disclosure
With the SEC soliciting public comments on its Modernization of Regulation S-K Items 101, 103, and 105, we submitted a comment urging the SEC to implement a final rule that creates a clear structure and framework for human capital disclosure.
The State of EEO-1 Disclosure at Russell 1000 Companies, in 3 Charts
Less than half of Russell 1000 companies share workforce demographic data. These charts explain why.
Wall Street says it cares about diversity. But most big banks won’t share complete workforce data.
The Washington Post asked the 15 largest U.S. banks to share workforce race and gender data — data they already report to the federal government on a two-page form. Only two shared the full numbers.
How Edwards Lifesciences Manages to Treat Patients, Employees, and Shareholders Equally
Our CEO Martin Whittaker joined Edwards Lifesciences CEO Mike Mussallem on Yahoo Finance for a deeper look at the policies and beliefs that have made it such a successful organization for workers, customers, communities, the environment, and it’s shareholders.
Prime Mover: How Amazon Wove Itself Into the Life of an American City
For most people, it’s the click that brings a package to their door. But a look at Baltimore shows how Amazon may now reach into Americans’ daily existence in more ways than any corporation in history.
Job loss predictions over rising minimum wages haven’t come true
Eighteen states rang in 2019 with minimum wage increases — some that will ultimately rise as high as $15 an hour — and so far, opponents’ dire predictions of job losses have not come true.
Watch 4 Decades of Inequality Drive American Cities Apart
Economic inequality has been rising everywhere in the United States. But it has been rising much more in the booming places that promise hefty incomes to engineers, lawyers and innovators.
Are You Being Paid Fairly? Here’s How to Find Out
If you’re not quite ready to ask your colleagues how much they make, you’re not alone. The good news is that you can research pay fairness yourself by delving into large and growing databases of salary information. Start here.
Innovation Should Be Made in the U.S.A.
Offshoring by American companies has destroyed our manufacturing base and our capacity to develop new products and processes. It’s time for a national industrial policy.
Announcing the 2020 Rankings of America’s Most JUST Companies
The Leading Measure of Corporate Performance in the Stakeholder Economy
Introducing the Quarterly JUST Call
It’s time for a new kind of earnings call. On November 13th join Paul Tudor Jones and Paypal CEO Dan Schulman to learn how their company not only does right by shareholders, but by their workers, customers, communities, and more!
3 Myths About Employee Happiness
Only about one-third of the U.S. workforce feels enthusiastic about their job today. What’s an employer to do? The first step is understanding what actually attracts top talent and leads to a loyal and engaged workforce. Because it’s probably not what you think.
Hey CEOs: Here’s Your New To-Do List
The American public wants businesses to serve all stakeholders, including workers, customers, communities, and the environment. Here are eight things every corporate leader should do now to align more closely with the stakeholder model.