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Workers & Wages

March 31, 2021  |  JUST Capital

Watch Our Quarterly JUST Call with Nick Akins, CEO of American Electric Power, on Its Rise to #1 for Workers in Its industry

JUST and the Head of CECP will talk with Nick about how he led a cultural transformation to engage employees, enhance diversity, and increase transparency around key human capital issues.

March 29, 2021  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: These Are The Companies That Are Best For Women

Pay equity mattered a lot to the public before the pandemic, and it matters even more now.

February 26, 2021  |  JUST Capital

Walmart Takes a Short-Term Hit to Deliver Long-Term Value

Walmart has seen both sides of the stakeholder vs shareholder debate over the last seven days, losing $25 billion off its market cap after a mixed earnings call.

February 25, 2021  |  JUST Capital

There Are Nearly 10 Million ‘Bad Jobs’ at the Largest U.S. Companies. Why Zeynep Ton Says Now is the Perfect Time to Change This Status Quo.

MIT Sloan professor Zeynep Ton explains why assessing your workforce’s financial wellness is a powerful first step toward building long-term value and resilience.

February 18, 2021  |  JUST Capital

Contract Workers Need a Just Recovery: Lessons from Microsoft and Mercer on the Future of Work

At the start of the pandemic, Microsoft committed to continue paying its contractor workers – and reaped the benefits. Here’s why companies to need make sure they’re not overlooking this section of their workforce.

February 11, 2021  |  JUST Capital

Amazon’s Ad Blitz Supporting the $15 Minimum Wage Is Admirable, But It Can Do More

We need a living wage for all Americans. And there is a return on that investment.

December 16, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Companies Must Step Up to Protect Their Contract Workers for the Remainder of the COVID-19 Crisis and Beyond

Explore what steps companies in the Russell 1000 have taken to support this contract workers, and which companies are leading the way.

December 3, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Chart Of The Week: Minimum Wage Raises Are Only the First Step for JUST Companies

Both workers and shareholders benefit from a company’s focus on paying a living wage.

November 12, 2020  |  JUST Capital

PayPal CEO and JUST Capital Co-Founder Discuss Why a Healthy Economy (and Democracy) Starts with Worker Financial Wellness

Worker financial wellness must be a priority for corporate leaders, now more than ever.

October 26, 2020  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: Raising Wages Doesn’t Destroy Value – Here’s Why

Last year, before COVID-19 rocked our world, we looked at three myths of sustainable – or “just” – investing. Myth #3 was that raising wages will kill share price and destroy value for investors (spoiler alert: this is not true).

October 9, 2020  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: Making Worker Financial Wellness a C-Suite Priority

Investing in workers is a strategic investment to your bottom line, and a down payment on future growth.

August 14, 2020  |  JUST Capital

If You Take Stakeholder Capitalism Seriously, You Need to Take Hazard Pay Seriously

Providing hazard pay is stakeholder capitalism in action

August 13, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Essential Workers Remain at High Risk on the Frontlines. But for Many, Hazard Pay Has Expired.

Of the 38 hazard pay policies originally announced by America’s largest employers, half are confirmed to have expired.

July 30, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Chart of the Week: Companies Paying a Fair Wage Outperform Peers in the Downturn

This week, we double down on employee compensation and dive into our “Pays a Fair Wage” metric to showcase how companies’ wages differ across various job titles when compared to industry peers.

July 23, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Chart of the Week: Companies Paying a Living Wage Fare Better in Recovery

In this Chart of the Week, we analyze how companies with a high percentage of employees making a national living wage have performed over the trailing one year.

June 17, 2020  |  JUST Capital

This Is When the Hazard Pay Benefits From the Largest American Employers Have Already Expired or Are About to

The virus has not been defeated, but wage increases for many frontline workers are set to expire.

May 14, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Behind the Chart: Comparing Bonuses and Hourly Wage Increases for Frontline Workers During Coronavirus

Over time, the cumulative earnings from a temporary wage increase outpace those from a one-time bonus.

May 7, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Here’s What Companies Are Doing to Protect the Financial Security of Their Workers During Coronavirus – and What Good Looks Like in the Long Term

We need forward-thinking leadership as businesses begin to reopen and more employees return to work.

February 12, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Putting Stakeholder Capitalism into Practice in 2020: 3 Key Actions to Create Value for your Workers

We need less talk, more action – but the clear question is, where do we begin?

January 28, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Why Emergency Savings Programs Are Gaining Momentum

Working with Commonwealth to build solutions to make people more financially secure, and advise companies on best practices for structuring effective emergency savings vehicles.

January 20, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Davos Dispatch: Why CEOs Need to Focus on Financial Stability for American Workers in 2020

CEOs : Perform a financial distress test of your workforce to really understand what percentage of workers aren’t making enough to cover their bills. 

Stacked coins showing a graph of overproportional growth

November 22, 2019  |  JUST Capital

Are You Being Paid Fairly? Here’s How to Find Out

If you’re not quite ready to ask your colleagues how much they make, you’re not alone. The good news is that you can research pay fairness yourself by delving into large and growing databases of salary information. Start here.

November 14, 2019  |  JUST Capital

5 Insights from Our Quarterly JUST Call with PayPal

If you want to know what changing the narrative on stakeholder capitalism looks like in action, watch our first Quarterly JUST Call.

September 4, 2019  |  JUST Capital

Building the Case for Quality Jobs in America

A new initiative from JUST Capital dedicated to increasing the prevalence of quality jobs in America

July 9, 2019  |  JUST Capital

Why Paid Parental Leave is Critically Important in Low-Wage Industries

Companies have a big role to play in creating economic opportunity for more Americans.

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