These Nine Companies Have Worker-Focused Policies That Help Women Thrive
How can companies unlock a competitive advantage through strategic investments in worker well-being? These companies are leading on policies that break down barriers to workforce participation, and are seeing the results:
Best Buy’s investments in workforce development support professional growth and mobility while expanding opportunities for individuals at various stages of their careers. Let’s look at some of their leading policies.
The Top 10 Companies That Treat Employees Best
These companies lead in our 2024 Rankings on the core worker issues that matter most to the American public.
To understand the financial security of employees across America’s largest publicly traded companies, JUST Capital and Revelio Labs analyzed the amount employees’ wages exceed the local living wage necessary to cover basic budgetary needs. Here’s what we found.
As businesses continue to navigate the challenges of attracting and retaining top talent, offering quality jobs is one way for companies to maintain a competitive edge in the labor market. JPMorgan Chase is a leader in this category – here’s why.
Despite rising disclosure trends, just 6% disclose both detailed demographic data and race/ethnicity pay ratios, signaling that corporate America still has a long way to go.
Intuit, US Bancorp, and Eli Lilly Are the Leading Companies for Working Mothers in 2023
In recognition of Mother’s Day, here are the top three companies that go above and beyond on paid parental leave, dependent care, and more.
These 3 Companies Are Leading on Diversity Disclosure in 2023
Accenture, Intel, and Starbucks are leading the Russell 1000 on key diversity disclosures on metrics including pay gap analyses and ratios and workforce demographics.
Despite an Uptick in 2023, Only 32% of the Largest U.S. Companies Analyze Their Gender Pay Gaps
After years of stalled progress, we found 32% of the largest U.S. companies report conducting gender pay gap analyses – but only disclose results when at or near parity.
The 2022 Top 100 U.S. Companies Supporting Healthy Families and Communities
Amid new and compounding challenges to Americans’ health and well-being, we’re highlighting the top 100 companies that are stepping up for workers and their families, and communities across the U.S.
While the public believes that ensuring pay equity is an integral part of achieving racial equity, over half of the companies we tracked in the 2022 Corporate Racial Equity Tracker continue to lack disclosure around this issue.
The Top Five Companies Leading on Paid Parental Leave in 2022
HPE, Etsy, Dropbox, Netflix, and Lululemon Athletica are leading when it comes to paid parental leave policies among Russell 1000 companies.
New JUST Capital analysis finds less than a quarter of the country’s largest employers are conducting gender pay equity analyses, with progress stalling over the last three years.
Investors Are Turning Their Focus to Human Capital. But How Hard Is It to Find and Interpret Data?
Our analysis of human capital disclosure shows that ahead of likely disclosure standards from the SEC, America’s largest companies have their work cut out for them.
With only one-fifth of America’s largest companies disclosing that they conducted a pay equity analysis, it’s clear that this issue must remain in focus for corporate America as we build back from COVID-19.
Advocates have asked companies to release their diversity data – but there is currently very little guidance on what to disclose, resulting in inconsistent reporting across corporate America.
Many retail companies have stepped up on paid sick leave, but more is urgently needed from corporate leaders.