Policy Changes: How Corporations Have Evolved Their Responses to Coronavirus Over The Last Month
Since we’ve been tracking corporate responses to coronavirus, companies have continued to alter their policies over time. Here’s what’s changed.
Capitalism Meets Coronavirus: Additional Company Policies
Over the coming weeks, we’ll be tracking the corporate response to the coronavirus, highlighting examples of just business behavior as corporate America grapples with how to support their stakeholders.
Alignment across business, government, and markets will be necessary to build a more just, and equitable future for all – including our planet.
The outspoken host of “Pitchfork Economics” says shortchanging workers is hurting all Americans.
ESG investing proves critical in protecting the downside during the bear market.
How will businesses continue to support their workers and customers after restrictions are lifted?
The economic effects of coronavirus may devastate those who can least afford it
Job losses will disproportionately displace low-income workers.
How to make the nation more just, less fragile — and more free.
Is COVID-19 Killing Shareholder Primacy?
Companies that come out of our current crisis in the best shape will be those that have the strongest relationships with the people who make them flourish
The majority of Americans want companies to provide paid sick leave.
JUST Capital’s index, the JULCD, has been beating the Russell 1000.
A Wishlist for the Post-COVID Economy: Introducing New JUST Board Member Xavier de Souza Briggs
Briggs says this is a moment to turn rhetoric around stakeholder capitalism into real policy.
What is the “new normal” we want to create?
How Should Companies Support Their Communities During the COVID-19 Crisis?
9 out of 10 Americans surveyed expect companies to engage in some kind of community support during the COVID-19 crisis.
COVID-19 Is Changing How Businesses Behave. Will They Keep it Up?
Will companies continue to compensate their workers at the level they have been through this crisis?
PwC’s U.S. head Tim Ryan said that leaders need to be absorbing stress, not creating it.
JUST Jobs Analysis: Why Pay Equity Is Still Critically Important in the Time of Coronavirus
Those who face the greatest wage inequities are also those most vulnerable to layoffs and unemployment: women and people of color.
Mark Cuban: ‘Shareholders Come Last’ in the Coronavirus Crisis
The NBA owner and investor tells us what he wants America’s largest employers to prioritize.
The Public’s Views on Corporate America’s Response to COVID-19
We’re asking the American public on a regular basis what businesses should do in the coronavirus crisis.
Just Principles to Help Guide Corporate America During the Coronavirus Crisis
In these trying times, as business leaders are struggling to understand what is “just,” we’ve created the following guiding principles.
Here’s How Companies Are Serving Their Stakeholders During the Coronavirus Crisis
Elevating best practices to share what good looks like in this rapidly shifting landscape.
How To Be A Stakeholder-Driven Company During the Coronavirus Pandemic
The world is gripped by fear. The market is plunging. Governments are locking down cities. What should companies be doing to help their stakeholders?