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Ethical Leadership

August 11, 2022  |  JUST Capital

Harvard Business School Professor George Serafeim Explains Why He Welcomes ESG Criticism As Vital to Its Future

HBS’s George Serafeim discusses his new book, “Purpose and Profit,” and what debates around Tesla and Danone can teach us about sustainability and ESG.

August 5, 2022  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: Investing in Workers When Inflation is High

The pressures inflation heaps on business does not mean stakeholder value creation needs to take a back seat. On the contrary, it can be a time for just companies to shine.

July 1, 2022  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: CEOs Face Tough Choices Ahead on Stakeholder Leadership

Companies seeking to do right by their stakeholders will have their mettle tested in the weeks and months to come. Let’s start with wages…

June 27, 2022  |  JUST Capital

How is Corporate America Responding to the Overturning of Roe v. Wade?

On Friday, the Supreme Court issued its landmark ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade – a decision that will demand critical leadership not only from the public sector, but from the private sector as well. To understand how the landscape will shift for the American workforce, we will be tracking how America’s largest companies respond to the ruling.

June 24, 2022  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: As the Economy Wavers, Corporate Community Support is Critical

Investing in local communities, especially those that need it the most, is one area where the private sector can have a huge positive impact during a downturn.

May 13, 2022  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: Americans Not Divided on Addressing the CEO to Worker Pay Gap

An eye-popping 87% of Americans across all political, age, geographic, gender, and racial lines agree that the growing gap between CEO pay and median worker pay is a problem in this country today.

May 6, 2022  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: Reproductive Rights and Antitrust Enter the Stakeholder Debate

The leaked Supreme Court majority opinion draft on potentially overturning Roe v. Wade lit a fire under companies to be clear where they stand on the issue of reproductive rights.

April 29, 2022  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: Disney, Exxon, and Twitter Show Why Stakeholders Matter

This past week saw three high-profile examples of why it’s so important for corporate leaders to understand what makes their stakeholders tick when making decisions involving complex societal issues. 

March 30, 2022  |  JUST Capital

In 2022, These 3 Companies Are Leading the Way for Women in the Workplace

Merck & Co, Synchrony Financial, and Etsy rise above their peers when it comes to supporting women in their workforces.

February 28, 2022  |  JUST Capital

How Companies Are Responding to Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

How are companies stepping up to support the Ukraine? Here’s our running tally:

February 26, 2022  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: Defining Days for Democracy and Capitalism

What does it mean for companies to support countries committed to democracy? What is the role of corporations in upholding the core tenets of a healthy free market society and the rule of law?

February 3, 2022  |  JUST Capital

2022 Is the Year to Finally Define, Align, and Drive Action on the ‘S’ of ESG

In a tight labor market, investors, companies, and policy makers are turning their attention to the “S” in ESG.

January 10, 2022  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: What Americans Need From Business

Each year’s rankings has its own unique context, and right now my sense is that trust and accountability are the watchwords.

September 27, 2021  |  JUST Capital

SURVEY REPORT: Two Years After the Business Roundtable’s Redefined Purpose of a Corporation, Do Americans Believe Companies Are Living Up to Their Promises?

JUST Capital checked in with Americans on how well they think companies are living up to the BRT’s principles. Explore our detailed findings here.

June 29, 2021  |  JUST Capital

The New Blueprint for Business

The majority of Americans believe in capitalism but want to see it improved, especially through treating workers with respect and equal opportunity.

April 30, 2021  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: Can Two New Corporate Alliances Deliver Real Solutions?  

Companies are starting to hold each other accountable for their actions, and many of the underlying issues have distinctly bipartisan support. Take a look at two important corporate alliances coming out this week.

April 17, 2021  |  JUST Capital

Corporate Climate Pledges Proliferate  

For corporations, bold action on climate is already a must. Net-zero commitments – essentially, a promise to balance GHGs emitted with GHGs removed and/or avoided – are everywhere.

April 15, 2021  |  JUST Capital

A Running Tally of How U.S. Companies Are Advancing Racial Equity

Over the coming weeks, we’ll continue to track significant racial equity announcements and actions from companies not captured in the first iteration of our Tracker here.

April 9, 2021  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: Silence Is Not An Option

“The problems that are tearing at the fabric of American society require all of us – government, business and civic society – to work together with a common purpose.”

March 17, 2021  |  JUST Capital

How Momentum Around EEO-1 Report Disclosure Took Off and Why Companies Should Disclose the Form to Help Advance Racial Equity

The EEO-1 form has rapidly become the gold standard of disclosure, and the numbers and metrics within it reveal a picture of the state of gender and racial diversity at America’s largest companies

March 11, 2021  |  JUST Capital

Chart of the Week: Examining the Outperformance of Companies that Prioritize Ethical Leadership

Do companies that act ethically out perform their peers that lag behind?

January 28, 2021  |  JUST Capital

2020: The Year in Review

2020 was a year that exposed a simple truth – that society’s shift to stakeholder capitalism is now an urgent necessity.

October 29, 2020  |  JUST Capital

As Election Day Nears, Americans Continue to Say Corporate Leaders Have a Role to Play in Protecting Our Democratic Process

With Election Day less than a week away, and concerns of a contested election mounting, we expanded our recent polling asking Americans what role they think companies and corporate leaders should play in upholding and protecting democracy. 

October 28, 2020  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: Americans Want Business Leaders to Protect Our Democratic Process

With Election Day less than a week away, we built upon our recent polling and asked Americans what role they think companies and corporate leaders should play in upholding and protecting democracy.

September 10, 2020  |  JUST Capital

As Americans Embrace ESG Investing, the Challenges Against It Feel Less Valid Than Ever

Arguments in support of shareholder primacy and against stakeholder capitalism are out of sync with the voice of the American public, institutional investors, shareholders, and corporations themselves. 

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