The New North Star: Stakeholder Capitalism
Free market enterprise is capable of producing extraordinary prosperity for all Americans – not just shareholders
5 Amazing (and Impactful) Ways Companies Are Taking Care of Their Employees
How would you know if a company was truly committed to supporting their employees? Let these five companies be your guide. All are taking steps to benefit the workers who keep their businesses going day to day.
6 Companies That Have Taken Bold Stands on Social Issues
Our nation’s business leaders agree: The world’s problems are too profound for them to stand silently by. That’s why these chief executives are speaking out on gun control, immigration, sustainability, and more.
We applaud Walmart for taking a stand on gun control – here’s why.
Looking Back on Tax Reform: Workers Aren’t Winning
Recent analysis shows that the Tax Cut and Jobs Act – which originally aimed to raise wages and add jobs – did not improve worker pay.
CEOs: The Black Community Wants You to Be Bold
For Black History Month, we are focusing on and striving to amplify the voices of the Black Americans we’ve engaged with over the last year through our polling.
Here’s What New in the 2018 Rankings Methodology
Top line details for the 2018 rankings methodology.
With a Tax Windfall Coming Their Way, Whose Interests Will Companies Prioritize?
With the tax reform bill moving closer to becoming law, companies should invest in increasing wages, jobs, and community health, rather than giving the windfall to their shareholders.
Rediscovering our Moral Compass: JUST Capital’s 2017 List of America’s Most JUST Companies
JUST Capital and Forbes release the 2017 list of America’s Most JUST Companies, our annual ranking of the largest publicly-traded U.S. corporations.
If Laws Don’t Protect Against Discrimination Then Companies Should, Majority Of Americans Say
Americans believe that companies should go beyond the laws to protect workers from discrimination.
Open for Business(es): JUST Capital’s Corporate Portal Launches
JUST Capital’s Corporate Portal launches.
Using Data Science to Create a More Perfect Union: The “Data Challenge for America”
To build a more just marketplace, we need to integrate data science into impact decision-making.
Amazon is Changing Not Just How People Shop, but Where They Work
Amazon leads in job creation, but what’s the catch?
Are we truly a nation divided?