Our Top Survey Insights on the State of Stakeholder Capitalism from 2020
A snapshot of the public’s views during this unprecedented year, as well as a blueprint for corporate action in the year to come.
The JUST Report: “With Unity, We Can Do Great Things, Important Things”
The change in administration opens up a new frontier for stakeholder capitalism. The first 100 days will be critical.
A Small Fraction of Corporations Share Diversity Data, but Disclosure is Rapidly on the Rise
We take a look at improvements to corporate disclosure from late 2019 to early 2021.
Business and politics collided this past week – here is what the American people thought of it.
Survey: Americans Want to See Business and Government Work Together
The majority of Americans believe that business and government should join forces to address racial inequality, business/jobs recovery, climate crisis, economic inequality, and the public health crises.
Explore what steps companies in the Russell 1000 have taken to support this contract workers, and which companies are leading the way.
Chart of the Week: More Evidence of the Rapidly Growing Importance of the “S” in ESG
Will the social element of ESG remain on both the American public’s and professional investors’ minds as we enter 2021
Will business leaders continue to take a stand on the critical social issues of our time?
Chart Of The Week: Minimum Wage Raises Are Only the First Step for JUST Companies
Both workers and shareholders benefit from a company’s focus on paying a living wage.
It’s time that the priorities of Black Americans, who have been disproportionately affected by the crises and challenges of 2020, take center stage.
As political polling comes under fire after another year of unexpected election results, it’s worth noting how JUST Capital’s surveys differ.
Out-of-work Americans are less likely than their employed peers to see the social impacts of companies as positive.
Corporate America: The Public Expects You to Prioritize the Health & Safety of Your Workers
84% of Americans believe worker health and safety is more important this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The JUST Report: How Will Stakeholder Capitalism Fare Under a Biden Administration?
Public and private sectors are locked in a constant struggle, with the pendulum swinging between regulation and taxation on the one side, and free enterprise and profits on the other. For the good of the country, this has to change.
Worker financial wellness must be a priority for corporate leaders, now more than ever.
The JUST Report: As the Country Holds its Breath, Business Leadership is Needed
As I write this, the outcome of the Presidential election is still on a razor’s edge. Whoever emerges victorious will face a divided Congress and a country riven by political discord and scarred by an electoral process that has pushed us to the limit.
Nadella explains how Microsoft is working to make stakeholder capitalism a reality, in light of COVID-19, our national reckoning with racial injustice, and challenges to American democracy.
Many companies have already stepped up to support their workers, customers, and local communities – here’s what they’re doing.
Unfinished: Creating an Economy That Can Work For All
How do you create an economy that works for all? Martin joins “Unfinished” to discuss the path forward with Angela Glover Blackwell (Founder in Residence, PolicyLink) and David Leonhardt (Senior Writer, New York Times).
The JUST Report: Raising Wages Doesn’t Destroy Value – Here’s Why
Last year, before COVID-19 rocked our world, we looked at three myths of sustainable – or “just” – investing. Myth #3 was that raising wages will kill share price and destroy value for investors (spoiler alert: this is not true).
3BL Forum – Brands Taking Stands with Martin Whittaker
Martin Whittaker joined the 3BL “Brands Taking Stands” Forum to speak on our latest polling research, which shows why, in an year of unprecedented crisis, everyday Americans are looking at corporations for leadership more than ever before.
Announcing the 2021 Rankings of America’s Most JUST Companies
These are the corporations at the forefront of stakeholder-driven leadership.
More Than Half of the Companies in This Year’s JUST 100 Are Business Roundtable Signatories
Last year, the BRT released a commitment to all stakeholders over shareholder primacy. We take a look at how the companies performed against our annual Rankings metrics.
This week saw the release of our new annual rankings of America’s Most JUST Companies and our celebration with Forbes of the new JUST 100 list.The event did not disappoint.
The JUST Report: Making Worker Financial Wellness a C-Suite Priority
Investing in workers is a strategic investment to your bottom line, and a down payment on future growth.