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Ethical Leadership

August 18, 2020  |  JUST Capital

A Year After the Business Roundtable Redefined the Purpose of a Corporation, Americans See Progress But Opportunity for Treating Workers Better

Timed with the one-year anniversary of the Business Roundtable’s landmark redefinition of corporate purpose, we asked the public how they believe companies are doing in shifting from a myopic focus on shareholders to better serving the needs of all stakeholders. 

July 27, 2020  |  JUST Capital

JUST Capital Is Committing to Racial Equity Within Our Organization and in Our Work

In response to an empowered Black Lives Matter movement, JUST is transparently auditing its pay equity, diversifying its board, and continuing to cover racial equity as part of its work, among several other actions.

July 24, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Join Us for our July 24 Quarterly JUST Call featuring Bruce Broussard, CEO of Humana

We’ll unpack Humana’s stakeholder performance, long-term plan for sustainable value creation, response to COVID-19, and more.

July 9, 2020  |  JUST Capital

The American Public Wants Companies to Take Action on Advancing Racial Equity – Especially Black Americans

Turning to the American public to ask them what they’d like to see from corporate America today – and particularly, how Black Americans want companies to act.

June 25, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Chart of the Week: Companies with Strong Corporate Governance Lead the Market in a Downturn

As many corporations begin to address the systemic inequity within their own organizations, this week’s chart shows that ethical leadership could connect to financial outperformance.

June 22, 2020  |  The New York Times

The Risk of ‘Overnight Ruin’

Jay Clayton, the nation’s top securities regulator, has been thrust into a political firestorm. Where does that leave the S.E.C.?

June 18, 2020  |  JUST Capital

72% of Companies that Cut Executive Pay Have Still Laid off or Furloughed Workers: Why CEO Pay Cuts Aren’t Cutting It

Now is the time for boards, investors, and other corporate leaders to revisit executive pay structures.

June 11, 2020  |  JUST Capital

JUST on CNBC: Building a Just Future – The Road to a More Inclusive Economy

The second edition of our video series with Laurel Strategies and CNBC – Building a Just Future: The Road to a More Inclusive Economy. 

June 4, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Chart of the Week: Companies With Strong COVID-19 Responses Prove You Don’t Need High Profit Margins to Do Right by Your Stakeholders

Leading companies support all their stakeholders, even when they’re not yet being rewarded in the market.

June 4, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Corporate America: Speaking Up On Systemic Racism Is Only The First Step. Now Let’s Act.

Business leaders have been acknowledging the racial divides that plague our society and economy. That’s an important step, and it is welcomed. But we need more.

June 2, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Building a JUST Future: Building Better in the Face of Crisis

We unpack the insights behind the Forbes Corporate Responders list.

June 2, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Why companies must address inequalities in the workplace

Martin appears on CNBC to discuss the top issues employees and Americans believe companies should be focusing on, and which businesses are taking steps to effect real change.

May 21, 2020  |  JUST Capital

COVID-19 Puts CEO Pay Back in the Spotlight. Here’s Why This Week’s Unemployment Numbers Show the Need for Change

May 14, 2020  |  CNBC

Detroit’s automakers have enough cash to last the year without a bailout after learning the ‘hard way’ in the Great Recession

“An auto company’s top priority right now is simple: survive,” said leading auto analyst Adam Jonas of Morgan Stanley.

April 23, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Policy Changes: How Corporations Have Evolved Their Responses to Coronavirus Over The Last Month

Since we’ve been tracking corporate responses to coronavirus, companies have continued to alter their policies over time. Here’s what’s changed.

April 15, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Business Roundtable CEOs Created Guidelines for Reopening the Economy – We’ll be Tracking Which Companies Prioritize a Stakeholder Approach to the Recovery

How will businesses continue to support their workers and customers after restrictions are lifted?

April 7, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Listen to Martin Whittaker on Fortune’s Leadership Next Podcast Discuss Company Responses to COVID-19

What is the “new normal” we want to create?

March 24, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Here’s How Companies Are Serving Their Stakeholders During the Coronavirus Crisis

Elevating best practices to share what good looks like in this rapidly shifting landscape.

March 11, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Is Shareholder-Centric Capitalism Actually Better for Shareholders?

Post-Friedman shareholder-centric capitalism has not been good for U.S. society at large. But has it even been good for shareholders?

Dan Schulman Paypal CEO

February 26, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Here’s Exactly How 7 CEOs Are Putting Stakeholder Capitalism into Practice

Any leader can learn from these executives’ actions.

February 26, 2020  |  JUST Capital

4 Ways a Good Jobs Strategy Leads to Better Business Outcomes

Check out four key takeaways from our call with the Good Jobs Institute.

February 12, 2020  |  JUST Capital

10 Bold Statements on Advancing Stakeholder Capitalism in 2020

We’ve rounded up some of the most powerful statements on stakeholder capitalism from this year’s World Economic Forum in Davos and from the writing that the conference has inspired.

February 12, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Putting Stakeholder Capitalism into Practice in 2020: 3 Key Actions to Create Value for your Workers

We need less talk, more action – but the clear question is, where do we begin?

February 6, 2020  |  JUST Capital

5 Powerful Takeaways from the HPE Quarterly JUST Call

HPE CEO Anthony Neri shares powerful insights into the role businesses can play in creating a more just and equitable economy.

Volunteers planting a tree

January 28, 2020  |  JUST Capital

3 Guiding Principles for Companies Giving Back to Their Communities

Americans agree that communities – local and global – represent one of business’ core stakeholders, and that companies should make concerted efforts to give back. But there are some things corporate leaders need to consider before taking any action.

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