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April 20, 2018  |  JUST Capital

These 5 Companies Are Leading the Charge on Recycling

At JUST Capital, we’ve heard from the American people that environmental impact is one of their top concerns. In honor of Earth Day 2018, here are five companies taking the lead on recycling.

March 16, 2018  |  JUST Capital

Who Employs More Workers in Your State – Jeff Bezos or Warren Buffet?

Berkshire Hathaway and Amazon are both major leaders in job creation in the U.S. But how do they compare on a regional level?

February 28, 2018  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Capital Rankings on Corporate Tax Reform

In 2018, the Russell 1000 companies we track and analyze for our rankings are set to receive a tax windfall of nearly $150 billion. How will companies distribute this money?

February 28, 2018  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Capital Rankings on Corporate Tax Reform

In 2018, the Russell 1000 companies we track and analyze for our rankings are set to receive a tax windfall of nearly $150 billion. How will companies distribute this money?

February 7, 2018  |  JUST Capital

The New Investor Imperative

This year may be remembered as the year when socially responsible investing (SRI) in the United States made the leap from a sizable, but relatively uncommon, investment option to an indispensable portfolio element.

February 7, 2018  |  JUST Capital

Amazon Go and the 2.3 Million Cashiers it Could Leave Behind

With U.S. jobs among the top priorities for the American people, JUST Capital tracks Amazon’s impact on both job creation and elimination in the company’s own stores, distribution centers, and corporate headquarters, as well as throughout the American retail landscape.

February 6, 2018  |  JUST Capital

2017 Year In Review

As we look ahead to 2018, we’re reflecting on the progress we made in the past year, and aim to forge ahead along this path toward creating a more just and equitable marketplace.

December 30, 2017  |  JUST Capital

2017 Forbes JUST100 Article Round-Up

December 15, 2017  |  JUST Capital

Dan Hesse on Mad Money: Companies that Do Good Have Higher Returns

JUST Board Member on CNBC’s Mad Money with Jim Cramer discusses the 2017 Rankings.

December 11, 2017  |  JUST Capital

PBS – Do The Right Thing

December 5, 2017  |  JUST Capital

Not Just Another Survey: JUST Capital’s Roadmap for Corporate America

Man walking upstairs, Joshua Ness

December 5, 2017  |  JUST Capital

What Is Just When It Comes To CEO-To-Average Worker Pay?

How fairly is income distributed among CEOs and employees today?

December 3, 2017  |  JUST Capital

JUST Capital 2017 Rankings Launch Event

Companies should stand up for equal rights

August 2, 2017  |  JUST Capital

If Laws Don’t Protect Against Discrimination Then Companies Should, Majority Of Americans Say

Americans believe that companies should go beyond the laws to protect workers from discrimination.

Human Rights in Supply Chain

July 31, 2017  |  JUST Capital

20 Companies that Care About Human Rights: JUST Capital and OpenInvest Make it Easy to Invest in Them

JUST Capital and OpenInvest announce the Human Rights in Supply Chain Screen.

Women in Science

July 28, 2017  |  JUST Capital

This Data Shows, State by State, How Few Women Hold Jobs in STEM

The U.S. still shows massive discrepancies in the gender ratio in the professional workplace, especially in STEM fields.

Dan Hesse in Vital Speeches

May 23, 2017  |  JUST Capital

Dan Hesse in Vital Speeches of the Day

Why is corporate culture important?

May 4, 2017  |  JUST Capital

JUST Companies Exhibit Lower Investment Risk

Companies that behave more justly are also more resilient to market and earnings risks.

Stock Calculations

May 4, 2017  |  JUST Capital

The More JUST the Company, the Steadier the Stock

What do Microsoft, Colgate-Palmolive, and AT&T have in common?

Correlation between JUSTness and low market risk

May 4, 2017  |  JUST Capital

Significant Correlation between JUST Companies and Lower Market Risk, According to Newly-Released Analysis

Equal Rights

April 5, 2017  |  JUST Capital

Equal Pay for Women: Iceland’s (almost) Got it, Why Don’t We?

When will the U.S. catch up?

March 24, 2017  |  JUST Capital

Who is the Wall Street Bull’s New Opponent and What Does She Have to Say About Board Refreshment?

Putting the pressure on corporations to invite a new set of decision makers to the boardroom table.

Outperformance by JUST Investable Indexes

March 23, 2017  |  JUST Capital

Outperformance of JUST Investable Equity Indexes

Equity indexes of our most JUST companies have higher Sharpe ratios, similar or better downside risk characteristics, and moderate tracking risk versus the Russell 1000.

March 23, 2017  |  JUST Capital

Starbucks Takes the Lead on Job Creation

Following the announcement of President Trump’s first travel ban, Starbucks has emerged as a corporate leader in the deeply politicized conversation around immigration.

U.S. Retailers

March 22, 2017  |  JUST Capital

Map: Where U.S. Retailers Are Paying a Living Wage, and Where They Aren’t

Only about 15% of the 6 million U.S. retail workers make a living wage.

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