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February 4, 2024  |  JUST Capital

JUST Capital Announces its 2024 Industry Leaders

As part of its 2024 Rankings, JUST Capital is proud to present its list of Industry leaders, or companies that receive the highest overall rank within each of our 36 industries. 

January 19, 2024  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: Trust Issues Dominate At Davos

“Rebuilding Trust” is the official theme of this year’s World Economic Forum in Davos. Trust in what?

December 14, 2023  |  JUST Capital

JUST Capital Announces Tolu Lawrence as its First Ever Chief Impact Officer

With over a decade of experience bringing leading brands, nonprofits, foundations, and social enterprises together to improve corporate performance on stakeholder issues, Tolu Lawrence steps into the Chief Impact Officer role at JUST Capital.

JUST Capital rings opening bell at Nasdaq

December 1, 2023  |  JUST Capital

JUST Capital to Launch National Campaign in Q1 2024

In 2024, JUST Capital is set to kick off its first ever nationwide marketing campaign, which will spotlight the significant leadership, progress, and achievements of forward-thinking corporations in addressing some of the country’s most pressing societal challenges. 

November 30, 2023  |  JUST Capital

JUST Capital, Schultz Family Foundation, and the American Opportunity Index Partner to Explore Practices and Policies that Lead to Worker Mobility and Opportunity

JUST is partnering with the Schultz Family Foundation and the American Opportunity Index to connect the dots between corporate policies and real-world outcomes for workers.

September 27, 2023  |  JUST Capital

JUST Capital Names Alison Omens as President, Responsible for Achievement of Organization’s Key Objectives

Complementing Omens’ new position, JUST CEO Martin Whittaker will focus on future growth and acceleration of the JUST platform.

Climate Commitments Tripled But Emissions Work Lagged 2023 JUST Capital

September 20, 2023  |  JUST Capital

Net-Zero Commitments Have Tripled In the Last 3 Years – But Actual Emissions Reductions Are Lagging

Amid activist and investor calls for more data, JUST Capital’s analysis shows how companies and industries are actually addressing the climate crisis.

September 20, 2023  |  JUST Capital

After Contracting Typhoid, This 22-year-old Decided to Tackle Water Infrastructure Issues That Contribute to Disease and Economic Stagnation

Joshua Ichor is addressing an area of climate tech that’s often overlooked – water supply infrastructure and ensuring its longevity.

September 20, 2023  |  JUST Capital

How a 20-year-old Climate Tech Founder is Using Microgrids To Reimagine Energy Access

After learning how energy costs contributed to a tragedy in rural India, Pranav Myana vowed to help communities across the world access energy through more reliable and sustainable means.

September 7, 2023  |  JUST Capital

How Russell 1000 Leaders Are Meeting the Public’s Priorities: A Mid-Year Snapshot on Key Corporate Stakeholder Performance Issues

We took a look at trends in Russell 1000 companies announcing wage raises, increases in paid parental leave, and other just business behaviors through Q2 of 2023.

June 26, 2023  |  JUST Capital

Happy 5th Birthday, JUST ETF!

The JULCD Index – which powers the JUST ETF – has outperformed the Russell 1000 by 8.78% since inception through May 31, 2023.

June 22, 2023  |  JUST Capital

JUST Capital Welcomes Two New Board Directors, Sushmita Banerjee and David Kamenetzky

BCG’s Sushmita Banerjee and former JAB Chairman and AB InBev executive David Kamenetzky have joined our Board of Directors, bringing with them a wealth of experience in corporate strategy.

May 11, 2023  |  JUST Capital

When Companies Act on Employee Experience, Workers and Business Benefit

In a still-tight job market, acting on employee experience is a business imperative. A new Worker Financial Wellness guide shares how companies can prioritize their employees’ feedback to drive workforce investments.

May 2, 2023  |  JUST Capital

2 Key Ways CEOs Can Navigate Today’s Politically Fraught Environment

JUST polling shows that 72% of Americans say CEOs have a responsibility to protect the country’s democracy. But what exactly does that mean? Leadership experts Daniella Ballou-Aares and Rhett Buttle shared how executives can promote democratic values without getting caught in the political fray.

JUST Capital launches Corporate Care Collective

April 28, 2023  |  JUST Capital

JUST Capital Launches the Corporate Care Network to Help Companies Attract, Support, And Retain Caregivers

JUST Capital is pleased to announce the launch of the Corporate Care Network, an initiative that connects and supports companies and business leaders dedicated to making care visible and advancing access to care benefits, like paid leave, flexible work, and child care support.

April 27, 2023  |  JUST Capital

Only 9% of America’s Largest Companies Provide Parity in Paid Parental Leave of 12+ Weeks for Primary and Secondary Caregivers

A majority of Americans we polled think companies need to offer 12 weeks of paid parental leave to all workers. Just 9% of the largest U.S. companies currently offer parity of 12 weeks or more to both caregivers.

March 20, 2023  |  JUST Capital

Biden Vetoes ESG Legislation But ESG Isn’t About Politics

ESG has become politicized, but the truth is it was never about politics. It’s about smarter investing and better business. Government and industry need to work together to get it right rather than use it to advance narrow political agendas.

March 15, 2023  |  JUST Capital

Watch the 2023 JUST Leadership Summit: Building Better Companies Through JUST Jobs

Watch the full 2023 JUST Leadership Summit featuring insights from JUST 100 leaders, including Verizon, American Electric Power, Mastercard, Hershey, and Nike.

March 15, 2023  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: The Secret to Effective Communication on ESG

Words matter. Especially, as our recent focus groups show, when it comes to how the public thinks about ESG, “woke-ness,” and corporations’ role in society.

March 13, 2023  |  JUST Capital

JUST Jobs Scorecard Shows Room for Companies to Lead on Job Quality Disclosure, With Established Leaders Outperforming Peers

Our new JUST Jobs Scorecard finds that there’s room for companies to grow on job quality disclosure and, for those that are already leading the way, market outperformance against their peers.

March 7, 2023  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: What Americans Actually Think About ESG

One of the arguments those opposed to ESG often make is that it is antithetical to the interests of everyday hard-working Americans.

March 2, 2023  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: Why Home Depot Is Investing $1 Billion in Workers

Home Depot announced Tuesday it will direct $1 billion to give its hourly employees in the U.S. and Canada a raise and to lift starting wages for staff across supply chain, customer care, merchandising, and other frontline roles to at least $15 an hour.

February 21, 2023  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: Is Ohio A Turning Point for the Railroad Industry?

The derailment of the Norfolk Southern Corporation freight train 32N in East Palestine, Ohio on February 3 is turning into a stakeholder disaster of the highest order and, I suspect, a defining moment for the industry.

February 3, 2023  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: Should CEO Pay Be Tied To Stakeholder Value Creation?

We know from our polling that Americans are unhappy with CEO pay. But what if it was tied more explicitly to total stakeholder value creation?

February 2, 2023  |  JUST Capital

Companies That Prioritize Their Stakeholders Enjoy Better Credit Ratings

As corporate bonds look more attractive, JUST rankings can offer insights alongside credit ratings.

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