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August 7, 2020  |  JUST Capital

ESG Measurement Will Need Upgrading If It’s To Meet Public Expectations

If one thing has become clear this year, it’s that corporate stakeholder performance claims – on COVID-19, racial equity, and other “S” issues – must be backed by real action.

July 31, 2020  |  JUST Capital

A “Great Reset” Is Far From Guaranteed

Americans want a “Great Reset”, but corporate actions to protect worker health, extend hazard pay and protect jobs are faltering.

July 31, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Our Patchwork of Paid Sick Leave Policies is Failing Workers – Nearly 75% of Americans Missing Work Due to COVID Aren’t Getting Paid

Paid sick leave is more crucial than ever, but many low-paid Americans lack access during the coronavirus crisis.

July 28, 2020  |  JUST Capital

How Corporate Transparency on Racial Equity is Driving Investment Decisions

On July 27, JUST hosted a discussion with representatives from two of America’s largest pension funds and Bloomberg’s chief diversity reporter on why disclosing workforce demographic data is a crucial first step toward addressing racial inequity in corporate America. 

July 27, 2020  |  JUST Capital

JUST Capital Is Committing to Racial Equity Within Our Organization and in Our Work

In response to an empowered Black Lives Matter movement, JUST is transparently auditing its pay equity, diversifying its board, and continuing to cover racial equity as part of its work, among several other actions.

July 16, 2020  |  JUST Capital

The Priorities of the Public Are Growing More Important as Our Economy Reopens. Are Companies Following Through?

Many companies have stepped up to the plate to support their stakeholders in the immediate aftermath of the crisis, and many more are likely to need to do so as our nation gradually reopens.

July 16, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Chart of the Week: Real Action on the Environment – Not Just Disclosure – Is Needed for Top Financial Performance

This week, we take a closer look at the financial impacts of environmental disclosure vs. non-disclosure.

July 9, 2020  |  JUST Capital

The American Public Wants Companies to Take Action on Advancing Racial Equity – Especially Black Americans

Turning to the American public to ask them what they’d like to see from corporate America today – and particularly, how Black Americans want companies to act.

July 1, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Chart of the Week: Carbon-Efficient Companies Shine During Insecure Times

In our latest Chart of the Week, we show that a lower carbon footprint can actually be beneficial for a company’s bottom line.

July 1, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Paid Sick Leave Was Not a Corporate Priority Before Coronavirus – Americans Want That to Change.

74% of Americans agree that companies should provide at least 14 days of paid sick leave to all workers.

June 25, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Discussion: The Great Reset

89% of Americans believe this crisis is providing an opportunity for corporations to hit reset. So where should you focus? We discuss the latest data.

June 25, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Our Country Is Reopening. That Means Health and Safety Measures Are More, Not Less, Important.

While many companies have shown leadership on health and safety in the immediate aftermath of the COVID-19 outbreak, some of the most critical tests are yet to come.

June 25, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Chart of the Week: Companies with Strong Corporate Governance Lead the Market in a Downturn

As many corporations begin to address the systemic inequity within their own organizations, this week’s chart shows that ethical leadership could connect to financial outperformance.

June 22, 2020  |  The New York Times

The Risk of ‘Overnight Ruin’

Jay Clayton, the nation’s top securities regulator, has been thrust into a political firestorm. Where does that leave the S.E.C.?

June 22, 2020  |  Axios

Corporate America reaps windfalls from coronavirus tax breaks

Congress allowed companies to claim billions in tax refunds.

June 22, 2020  |  The New York Times

Treasury Dept. Agrees to Release Data on Small-Business Relief

The decision to reveal who received a Paycheck Protection Program loan comes after weeks of backlash over a lack of transparency.

June 19, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Chart of the Week: Companies that Prioritize Their Workers Continue to Outperform

Revisiting our analysis that shows how the companies that prioritize their workers have been significantly outperforming their peers throughout the coronavirus crisis.

June 18, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Breaking the Silence on Racial Injustice Is the First Step. The Next Is Disclosing Workforce Demographics.

What do the companies that are speaking up on racial equity disclose when it comes to the diversity of their workforces?

June 18, 2020  |  JUST Capital

How Have America’s 300 Largest Employers Responded to Backup Dependent Care Challenges During COVID-19?

22% of America’s 300 largest employers disclose having a general backup dependent care policy.

June 18, 2020  |  JUST Capital

72% of Companies that Cut Executive Pay Have Still Laid off or Furloughed Workers: Why CEO Pay Cuts Aren’t Cutting It

Now is the time for boards, investors, and other corporate leaders to revisit executive pay structures.

June 11, 2020  |  JUST Capital

6 Key Takeaways from the Intel Quarterly JUST Call that All Corporate Leaders Should Consider Today

“We embrace truth and transparency. We set metrics, we manage them, we report them – not only to show the progress that we’re making, but also to hold ourselves accountable.”

June 11, 2020  |  JUST Capital

JUST on CNBC: Building a Just Future – The Road to a More Inclusive Economy

The second edition of our video series with Laurel Strategies and CNBC – Building a Just Future: The Road to a More Inclusive Economy. 

June 8, 2020  |  JUST Capital

SURVEY: What Americans Want from Corporate America During the Response, Reopening, and Reset Phases of the Coronavirus Crisis

We look at perception across the three phases of the coronavirus crisis – the Response, the Reopening, and the Reset, to chart what a more just economy looks like at every step of the way.

June 8, 2020  |  Popular Information

Corporations tweet support for Black Lives Matter. Their FEC filings tell a different story.

In the wake of the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery, major corporations are rushing to embrace the Black Lives Matter movement. But several of the same corporations have donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to members of Congress that are rated “F” by the NAACP.

June 8, 2020  |  The New York Times

Corporate America Has Failed Black America

For a group of elite black executives, police killings and protests have unleashed an outpouring of emotion and calls for action.

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