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October 17, 2021  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: Rewriting a Key ESG Rule

The Department of Labor’s new proposal, alongside a focus on mandated disclosure at the SEC, places added pressure on companies to get their ESG strategies right.

October 13, 2021  |  JUST Capital

JUST Capital Welcomes New ESG Investing Proposal From Department of Labor

A new proposal from the Department of Labor marks an important step in ensuring fair and full access to ESG investment options in retirement plans.

September 17, 2021  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: Trust in Business is More Important Than Ever  

In a new survey of 500 business leaders and 1,000 other members of the U.S. public, PwC found that in their roles as consumers and employees, respondents trust business more now than before the pandemic.

September 16, 2021  |  JUST Capital

Morningstar and JUST Capital Partner Seeds Share How Everyday Investors Can Make Better ESG Decisions

As ESG fund inflows soar, we spoke to experts from Morningstar and Seeds on what everyday investors should be taking into account in decision-making.

August 19, 2021  |  JUST Capital

Despite Critics, There’s ‘No Going Back’ From Stakeholder Capitalism, Says the Professor Who Pioneered the Theory in the ‘80s

University of Virginia professor Ed Freeman told JUST that critics of stakeholder capitalism misinterpret it in three primary ways, rather than seeing it as the ideal way to run a growing, profitable business.

August 6, 2021  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: Reality Hits ESG

How do you know an ESG fund is really making an impact? How can you be sure a company is doing what it says it’s doing, and truly delivering stakeholder value?

June 23, 2021  |  JUST Capital

Shareholder Activism Takes Hold as Proxy Season Gives Rise to ESG Issues

The June 2021 edition of the ESG Acceleration report from MUFG Research highlights the wide range of ESG shareholder resolutions being proposed this proxy season.

June 23, 2021  |  JUST Capital

The Philanthropic Leverage Effect of JUST Capital

We’re leveraging the private sector to drive large-scale change on America’s most pressing challenges. This ‘force multiplier effect’ can generate huge philanthropic returns – here’s how.

June 15, 2021  |  JUST Capital

As the SEC Finally Takes on Climate Disclosure Standards, It Must Also Consider ESG Metrics Affecting Workers

JUST Capital filed a public comment endorsing a set of federally mandated ESG standards on climate, human capital, and DEI metrics.

May 26, 2021  |  JUST Capital

Chart of the Week: Companies With Policies to Actively Recruit Veterans Outperform Those Without

This Memorial Day weekend, we take a look at veteran hiring across the Russell 1000 and see that companies that disclose specific veteran hiring policies outperform those that don’t.

May 25, 2021  |  JUST Capital

The Just Report: No Turning Back  

On Wednesday, an investor firm owning 0.02% of ExxonMobil stock gathered enough support to win at least two seats on the oil and gas giant’s board. The shockwaves of this outcome will reverberate throughout every boardroom in America.

May 13, 2021  |  JUST Capital

Chart of the Week: Global Sustainable Asset Flows Continue to Set Records in 2021

This week we look a report published by Morningstar which showcases the continued record-setting growth of sustainable asset flows. 

May 6, 2021  |  JUST Capital

Chart of the Week: Sustainability-Linked Bonds Present a Win-Win for Companies to Follow Through on the ‘S’ in ESG

We look at new research from S&P Global on the rise Sustainability Linked Bonds, and how they are a sustainability solution that can work for industries that are hard to decarbonize.

April 14, 2021  |  JUST Capital

New Regulations Could Mean the End of Greenwashing in Record-Breaking ESG Flows

We have seen flows into ESG funds go from roughly $5 billion to nearly $400 billion since 2015, which begs the question many have asked: what constitutes an ESG fund?

March 23, 2021  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: Did Stakeholder Capitalism Get the Pink Slip? 

This week, Emmanuel Faber, one of the world’s foremost proponents of stakeholder capitalism, lost his job as CEO and chairman of Danone. The easy reaction would be to see this as a blow for proponents of the stakeholder cause. That would be a mistake.

March 18, 2021  |  JUST Capital

Chart of the Week: ESG ETF Costs Present an Opportunity for The Next Frontier of Indexing

This week’s chart from the Wall Street Journal explores the recent tidal wave of ESG funds and dives into the average expense ratios of U.S. equity ETFs.

March 16, 2021  |  JUST Capital

The Future of ESG is Customized, Personalized, and Values-Driven

More investors are recognizing that investing can serve a dual purpose – to both reach financial goals and to perpetuate core values by supporting companies doing right by all shareholders.

March 5, 2021  |  JUST Capital

The ESG Enforcers Come to Town

Yesterday, acting SEC Chair Allison Herren Lee – who at the beginning of the week had said at a conference that voluntary ESG disclosure wasn’t cutting it – announced the creation of a Climate and ESG Task Force in the Enforcement division

March 3, 2021  |  JUST Capital

Companies That Prioritize Workforce Investment and Training Outperform Those That Don’t

Companies that have invested in their workforces have been more successful than those that haven’t for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic.

February 25, 2021  |  JUST Capital

Why Addressing the C-Suite Gender Pay Gap Presents an Opportunity for Growth

This week, we look at Morningstar’s most recent analysis Jackie Cook, diving into the C-suite Gender Pay Gap.

February 18, 2021  |  JUST Capital

Utilities With High Carbon Emissions Intensity: Investment or Gamble?

With the societal and legal move towards decarbonization, utilities that emit a comparatively high amount of carbon are challenged by stranded assets and/or potentially high costs to upgrade equipment.

February 5, 2021  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: Show Me The Money…And The Impact

investors are becoming sophisticated enough to tell the difference between greenwashing and value creation…and this Exxon case proves it.

January 28, 2021  |  JUST Capital

2020: The Year in Review

2020 was a year that exposed a simple truth – that society’s shift to stakeholder capitalism is now an urgent necessity.

January 14, 2021  |  JUST Capital

Chart of the Week: Companies With Fewer Controversies Outperformed in 2020

We take a look at our 2021 ranked companies that had controversies across all of our various stakeholders to show that, unsurprisingly, companies with fewer controversies slightly outperform those with more.

January 14, 2021  |  JUST Capital

JUST’s Most Popular ESG Features from 2020

Here are five of our most viewed ESG-focused features from 2020.

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