Using Data Science to Create a More Perfect Union: The “Data Challenge for America”
To build a more just marketplace, we need to integrate data science into impact decision-making.
A Tax Day Note to Corporate America: Pay Your Fair Share
Americans want corporations to pay their fair share.
Equal Pay for Women: Iceland’s (almost) Got it, Why Don’t We?
When will the U.S. catch up?
The SEC Could Ditch a Rule that Reveals the Pay Gap Between CEOs and Workers – Here’s the Data
Will the SEC ditch the rule that requires companies to disclose the pay gap between CEOs and workers?
Who is the Wall Street Bull’s New Opponent and What Does She Have to Say About Board Refreshment?
Putting the pressure on corporations to invite a new set of decision makers to the boardroom table.
Starbucks Takes the Lead on Job Creation
Following the announcement of President Trump’s first travel ban, Starbucks has emerged as a corporate leader in the deeply politicized conversation around immigration.
Map: Where U.S. Retailers Are Paying a Living Wage, and Where They Aren’t
Only about 15% of the 6 million U.S. retail workers make a living wage.
Amazon is Changing Not Just How People Shop, but Where They Work
Amazon leads in job creation, but what’s the catch?
Companies’ Travel Ban Condemnation is a Sign of Things to Come
Condemnation from the business community reflects customers’—and employees’—outrage.
How Just Are The Companies Led By Trump’s Cabinet Picks?
Donald Trump is building one of the most business-centric Cabinets in a generation.
Are we truly a nation divided?