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Workers & Wages

May 11, 2023  |  JUST Capital

When Companies Act on Employee Experience, Workers and Business Benefit

In a still-tight job market, acting on employee experience is a business imperative. A new Worker Financial Wellness guide shares how companies can prioritize their employees’ feedback to drive workforce investments.

May 5, 2023  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: Dozens of CEOs Vow to Reduce Inequality

The business case for reducing inequality is a compelling one, and the WBCSD’s report shows how to do it.

May 3, 2023  |  JUST Capital

Only 3% of America’s Largest Companies Encourage Living Wages for Supply Chain Workers – But These 5 Companies Are Leading on the Issue

Companies like Accenture and Morgan Stanley Capital International are encouraging or requiring their massive supply chains to pay better wages.

JUST Capital launches Corporate Care Collective

April 28, 2023  |  JUST Capital

JUST Capital Launches the Corporate Care Network to Help Companies Attract, Support, And Retain Caregivers

JUST Capital is pleased to announce the launch of the Corporate Care Network, an initiative that connects and supports companies and business leaders dedicated to making care visible and advancing access to care benefits, like paid leave, flexible work, and child care support.

April 27, 2023  |  JUST Capital

Only 9% of America’s Largest Companies Provide Parity in Paid Parental Leave of 12+ Weeks for Primary and Secondary Caregivers

A majority of Americans we polled think companies need to offer 12 weeks of paid parental leave to all workers. Just 9% of the largest U.S. companies currently offer parity of 12 weeks or more to both caregivers.

April 27, 2023  |  JUST Capital

The Top Six Companies Leading on Paid Parental Leave in 2023

By expanding paid parental leave benefits, companies have an opportunity to generate outsized impact for workers and their bottom line.

March 23, 2023  |  JUST Capital

Leaders From Two Sigma, Verizon, Mastercard, and Hershey Explain How They’re Building JUST Jobs and Business Resilience

JUST 100 leaders share how they’re prioritizing JUST jobs as economic uncertainty continues and JUST, and Two Sigma Impact speak to how a focus on job quality is helping build better companies.

March 16, 2023  |  JUST Capital

Companies Disclosing the Gold Standard of Workforce Diversity Data – the EEO-1 Report or Similar Intersectional Data – More Than Tripled between 2021 and 2022

Publicly disclosing demographic data represents a critical initial step for companies looking to build more diverse workforces, as well as stronger returns.

March 16, 2023  |  JUST Capital

KKR’s Co-Head of Global Private Equity Shares How Employee Ownership Drives Long-Term Business Value

Speaking with CNBC’s Dominic Chu, KKR’s Pete Stavros dives into what’s behind the success of the firm’s and his nonprofit Ownership Works’ employee stock ownership programs.

March 14, 2023  |  JUST Capital

Despite an Uptick in 2023, Only 32% of the Largest U.S. Companies Analyze Their Gender Pay Gaps

After years of stalled progress, we found 32% of the largest U.S. companies report conducting gender pay gap analyses – but only disclose results when at or near parity.

March 9, 2023  |  JUST Capital

The Data Suggests ESG Is Not a Cause of Inflation

The idea that ESG is a major cause of inflation and hurting the American people is spurious. JUST data suggests that the opposite is true: that companies pursuing stakeholder leadership not only help workers cope with the effects of inflation, they also drive higher returns for investors.

February 3, 2023  |  JUST Capital

Edelman’s US Head of Sustainability Says CEOs Are Making a Mistake by Giving Into the ‘Greenhushing’ Trend – and Offers an Alternative Approach

Edelman’s Alex Heath says now is the moment for corporate leaders to build trust with their stakeholders through focused, transparent messaging.

January 26, 2023  |  JUST Capital

What Walmart’s Wage Hike Means for Corporate America’s Pay Practices

Our Chief Strategy Officer, Alison Omens, writes on the signal Walmart’s move to raise wages for its frontline workers sends to corporate America.

December 16, 2022  |  JUST Capital

Highlights from Paul Tudor Jones’ Discussion with 3 CEOs About the Future of Capitalism

JUST Capital co-founder and chair Paul Tudor Jones led a panel about ESG and stakeholder capitalism with former Johnson & Johnson CEO Alex Gorsky, Grameen CEO Andrea Jung, and Interactive Brokers former founding CEO and current chair Thomas Peterffy.

December 2, 2022  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: Better Disclosure Can Build Trust in Corporate Wage Strategies

Years ago when we were launching JUST, I remember the CEO of a large bank told me in no uncertain terms that there was “no chance” companies would ever be transparent about wages. Has that changed?

November 29, 2022  |  JUST Capital

As Inflation Rises, Corporate Minimum Wage Disclosure Continues to Lag

While Americans want companies to prioritize a living wage and pay transparency, only a handful publicly announce minimum wage increases resulting in real wage gains for their workers.

November 19, 2022  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: How to Make Layoffs as Just as Possible

As painful as they can be, layoffs don’t have to be unjust. Here’s how:

November 12, 2022  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: How the Midterms Might Affect Corporate Stakeholder Leadership

I’ve spent much of the week talking to business leaders about what Tuesday’s election results could mean for corporate stakeholder leadership. The answer – like the outcome of a few key races – is not yet clear.

November 3, 2022  |  JUST Capital

Energy Companies That Perform Well in JUST’s Rankings Have Outperformed Their Industry Peers

As COP27 begins and fossil fuel companies take in massive profits, we took a look at how the top performing energy companies in our Rankings compare to the lowest performing.

October 20, 2022  |  JUST Capital

With Recession Fears Rising, Companies Can (And Should) Be Investing in JUST Jobs

Our Chief Strategy Officer Alison Omens lays out a framework companies can use to invest in workers right now, shares what some of the largest U.S. employers we’ve spoken to think of it, and how we’re helping them take action.

October 7, 2022  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: Can Creating JUST Jobs Unite Americans?

We spoke to investor and AOL cofounder Steve Case on why people, both in workforces and communities, are key to corporate success.

October 7, 2022  |  JUST Capital

What a Living Wage Is and Why Businesses Should Use It as a Benchmark

In the first of our JUST Jobs Explained series, we break down how to calculate a living wage, how its components are dependent on location and family size, and why businesses can improve their operations with this information.

September 30, 2022  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: A Winter of Discontent? It’s Time to Focus on JUST Jobs

In the face of economic uncertainty, we gathered corporate and nonprofit leaders to discuss why now’s the time to invest in workers and create JUST Jobs.

September 28, 2022  |  JUST Capital

JUST Capital Insights to Impact Virtual Event – Defining a JUST Job for Today’s Economy

On September 28, JUST Capital convened corporate and nonprofit leaders for an Insights to Impact virtual event – Defining a JUST Job for Today’s Economy.

September 16, 2022  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: Don’t Believe the Hype, Americans Agree on What Companies Should Do

Across every demographic group we surveyed, whether political affiliation, race, gender, age, or income group, Americans are united in wanting companies to prioritize workers and pay a fair, living wage.

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