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January 25, 2021  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: “With Unity, We Can Do Great Things, Important Things”  

The change in administration opens up a new frontier for stakeholder capitalism. The first 100 days will be critical. 

January 15, 2021  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: What Percentage of Americans Think Corporate Political Donations Are Harmful to Democracy?

Business and politics collided this past week – here is what the American people thought of it.

January 14, 2021  |  JUST Capital

JUST’s Most Popular ESG Features from 2020

Here are five of our most viewed ESG-focused features from 2020.

January 13, 2021  |  JUST Capital

JUST Capital: The Year’s 10 Most Popular Features

As we kick off the new year, we revisit our most popular features from 2020.

December 15, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Diversity at JUST Capital

At the end of August 2020, we fielded a voluntary demographic survey of our workforce, which included questions about age, gender identity, sexual orientation, race and ethnicity, disability, and veteran status. Now we’re unpacking the results.

December 3, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Chart Of The Week: Minimum Wage Raises Are Only the First Step for JUST Companies

Both workers and shareholders benefit from a company’s focus on paying a living wage.

November 20, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Black Americans Have Spoken: Corporations Must Maintain Racial Equity as a Priority and Continue Taking Action

It’s time that the priorities of Black Americans, who have been disproportionately affected by the crises and challenges of 2020, take center stage.

November 18, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Chart Of The Week: Environmental Protection Is Paying Off For Stakeholders

Companies with overall lower environmental impacts outperform their peers.

November 18, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Corporate America: The Public Expects You to Prioritize the Health & Safety of Your Workers

84% of Americans believe worker health and safety is more important this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

November 12, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Watch JUST Capital & NYSE’s Investor Event: Business & Markets as a Force for Good

How companies and investors can lead in building a more just and inclusive economy that works for all Americans.

November 6, 2020  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: As the Country Holds its Breath, Business Leadership is Needed

As I write this, the outcome of the Presidential election is still on a razor’s edge. Whoever emerges victorious will face a divided Congress and a country riven by political discord and scarred by an electoral process that has pushed us to the limit.

November 5, 2020  |  JUST Capital

The COVID-19 Corporate Response Tracker: How America’s Largest Employers Are Treating Stakeholders Amid the Coronavirus Crisis

Many companies have already stepped up to support their workers, customers, and local communities – here’s what they’re doing.

November 3, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Unfinished: Creating an Economy That Can Work For All

How do you create an economy that works for all? Martin joins “Unfinished” to discuss the path forward with Angela Glover Blackwell (Founder in Residence, PolicyLink) and David Leonhardt (Senior Writer, New York Times).

October 29, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Watch the Forbes JUST 100 Virtual Summit

A celebration of the 2021 JUST 100, and a series of discussions around how corporate America can and must lead during this time.

October 14, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Announcing the 2021 Rankings of America’s Most JUST Companies

These are the corporations at the forefront of stakeholder-driven leadership.

October 13, 2020  |  JUST Capital

More Than Half of the Companies in This Year’s JUST 100 Are Business Roundtable Signatories

Last year, the BRT released a commitment to all stakeholders over shareholder primacy. We take a look at how the companies performed against our annual Rankings metrics.

October 13, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Why Facebook Is “Under Review” and Not Awarded a JUST Seal in the 2021 Rankings

Until we better understand Facebook’s performance and alleged shortfalls, we are withholding JUST’s highest honor.

October 9, 2020  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: Making Worker Financial Wellness a C-Suite Priority

Investing in workers is a strategic investment to your bottom line, and a down payment on future growth.

October 1, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Amidst Crisis, What Americans Want from Corporate America: JUST Capital’s 2020 Survey Results

It has never been more urgent or more important for corporate America to listen and respond to what the American public prioritizes.

September 23, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Have Business Roundtable Companies Really Underperformed on Stakeholder Promises This Year?

What we measure for stakeholder capitalism is as important as how we measure it.

September 23, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Chart of the (Climate) Week: Low Carbon Intensity Is Correlated With Higher Returns

Companies should use the opportunity that climate week represents to consider extending their engagement on limiting their carbon emissions across their whole value chain.

September 14, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Introducing the Imperative 21 Campaign to RESET Capitalism

JUST Capital is joining with Imperative 21 coalition partners B Lab, The B Team, CECP, and Conscious Capitalism, to call for a reset of our economic system.

September 11, 2020  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: An Unprecedented Back to School Season Is Revealing a Child Care Crisis

Whether they are working from home full time or part time, or are on the frontline, they have to – in an unprecedented way – find a balance between supporting their families and ensuring their kids are learning.

September 4, 2020  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: Your Business Is Only As Good As Your Workforce

As we head into Labor Day, six months into a pandemic that has caused us to revisit our assumptions about what it means to be a resilient business, its time to discuss the most important business stakeholders in our society – workers.

August 28, 2020  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: The Power, and the Perils, of Worker Protest

Two events this week highlighted the extremes of worker empowerment in America today. Once again, the defining social issues of 2020 – COVID-19 and racial equity – were the catalyst. 

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