The JUST Report: An Unprecedented Back to School Season Is Revealing a Child Care Crisis
Whether they are working from home full time or part time, or are on the frontline, they have to – in an unprecedented way – find a balance between supporting their families and ensuring their kids are learning.
As Americans Embrace ESG Investing, the Challenges Against It Feel Less Valid Than Ever
Arguments in support of shareholder primacy and against stakeholder capitalism are out of sync with the voice of the American public, institutional investors, shareholders, and corporations themselves.
Chart of The Week: Companies That Prioritize Their Workers Continue to Outperform the Market
In light of Labor Day this past Monday, we revisit a chart from early June to evaluate how companies’ treatment of their workers continues to affect financial performance throughout 2020.
The JUST Report: Your Business Is Only As Good As Your Workforce
As we head into Labor Day, six months into a pandemic that has caused us to revisit our assumptions about what it means to be a resilient business, its time to discuss the most important business stakeholders in our society – workers.
For Labor Day, we revisit our Chart of the Week from earlier this summer to reevaluate how companies who fully disclose their EEO-1 reports have performed throughout the trailing three months.
The JUST Report: The Power, and the Perils, of Worker Protest
Two events this week highlighted the extremes of worker empowerment in America today. Once again, the defining social issues of 2020 – COVID-19 and racial equity – were the catalyst.
Chart of the Week: Just Companies Have Better Risk Profiles and Overall Decreased Volatility
This week, we explore the risk profile of more just companies in comparison to less just ones, and show that JUST companies have less volatility.
We analyze how the BRT purpose statement signatories measure up to Americans’ expectations, and compare to other Russell 1000 companies.
Timed with the one-year anniversary of the Business Roundtable’s landmark redefinition of corporate purpose, we asked the public how they believe companies are doing in shifting from a myopic focus on shareholders to better serving the needs of all stakeholders.
64% of Business Roundtable signatories released statements standing in solidarity with their Black and Brown colleagues and communities over the past few months. But how are they actually performing on key racial equity actions?
If You Take Stakeholder Capitalism Seriously, You Need to Take Hazard Pay Seriously
Providing hazard pay is stakeholder capitalism in action
Chart of the Week: Just Companies See Shallower Drawdowns in Market Downturn
As our economy sees increasing uncertainty after the market recovery in Q2, this week’s analysis dives into our 2020 Rankings to evaluate median maximum drawdowns by quintile.
ESG Measurement Will Need Upgrading If It’s To Meet Public Expectations
If one thing has become clear this year, it’s that corporate stakeholder performance claims – on COVID-19, racial equity, and other “S” issues – must be backed by real action.
This week we look at severe communities controversies within the companies we cover, and see a significant outperformance for those who don’t have at least one severe controversy.
A “Great Reset” Is Far From Guaranteed
Americans want a “Great Reset”, but corporate actions to protect worker health, extend hazard pay and protect jobs are faltering.
Chart of the Week: Companies Paying a Fair Wage Outperform Peers in the Downturn
This week, we double down on employee compensation and dive into our “Pays a Fair Wage” metric to showcase how companies’ wages differ across various job titles when compared to industry peers.
Read Our Response to the Department of Labor Proposal We Believe Will Crush Important ESG Momentum
The DOL has stated that ESG funds are “vehicles for furthering social goals or policy objectives that are not in the financial interest of the plan.” We completely disagree – here’s why.
How Corporate Transparency on Racial Equity is Driving Investment Decisions
On July 27, JUST hosted a discussion with representatives from two of America’s largest pension funds and Bloomberg’s chief diversity reporter on why disclosing workforce demographic data is a crucial first step toward addressing racial inequity in corporate America.
Keeping ESG out of 401(k) Plans Hurts Participants and Produces Worse Outcomes
Last month, the Department of Labor (DOL) proposed a new investment duties rule that would essentially keep ESG funds out of retirement accounts. Everything I’ve seen throughout my career shows that such a move would hurt investors.
The American People Have Spoken – Now is Not the Time to Pull Back Frontline Worker Benefits
Read the last JUST Report inside, and sign up to receive the full reports directly in your inbox!
Join Us for our July 24 Quarterly JUST Call featuring Bruce Broussard, CEO of Humana
We’ll unpack Humana’s stakeholder performance, long-term plan for sustainable value creation, response to COVID-19, and more.
Consumption Effects of Unemployment Insurance during the COVID-19 Pandemic
JPMorgan Chase Research Institute puts out new research on unemployment benefits: “Allowing the $600 supplement to expire at the end of July 2020 could cause substantial declines in aggregate demand and potentially negative effects on the macro-economy.”
Want More Diversity? Some Experts Say Reward C.E.O.s for It
The New York Times suggests tying CEO pay to diversity outcomes as one of the most effective ways to improve diversity and inclusion across corporate America.
How to turn our collective outrage into action
Robert F. Smith shares how the private sector can “turn our collective outrage into action,” to ensure our national reckoning becomes more than a passing moment.
Chart of the Week: Companies Paying a Living Wage Fare Better in Recovery
In this Chart of the Week, we analyze how companies with a high percentage of employees making a national living wage have performed over the trailing one year.