Shareholder Activism Takes Hold as Proxy Season Gives Rise to ESG Issues
The June 2021 edition of the ESG Acceleration report from MUFG Research highlights the wide range of ESG shareholder resolutions being proposed this proxy season.
The Philanthropic Leverage Effect of JUST Capital
We’re leveraging the private sector to drive large-scale change on America’s most pressing challenges. This ‘force multiplier effect’ can generate huge philanthropic returns – here’s how.
JUST Capital Expands Board Leadership, Welcomes Six New Members
New additions to JUST Capital’s Board of Directors include Brookings’ Amy Liu, Ariel Investments’ John W. Rogers, Jr., and former EY CEO, Mark Weinberger.
As shareholder demand for action on human capital and DEI metrics rises, we may be entering a new worker paradigm.
Top 100 U.S. Companies Supporting Healthy Families and Communities
With support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, we’re identifying the companies that are taking action and setting the bar for supporting their workers, the families they support, and the communities in which they operate.
JUST Capital filed a public comment endorsing a set of federally mandated ESG standards on climate, human capital, and DEI metrics.
The JUST Report: We Need To Talk About Wages
As the debate rages over why millions of jobs, especially low-wage ones, have been left unfilled, the idea of lifting wages and providing good jobs has gotten relatively little attention.
The small hedge fund secured at least two seats on ExxonMobil’s board last week, saying the oil and gas giant needed change at the top to evolve through the energy transition.
JUST’s Alison Omens shares why companies that continue to prioritize the health of workers, families, and communities will stand out in a post-pandemic economy.
We examine the trailing one-year returns of the Top 100 Companies Supporting Healthy Families and Communities, relative to the Russell 1000 companies we rank.
The JUST Report: Healthy Workers = Healthy Returns
Don’t be fooled. Long-term value creation for all stakeholders is best for shareholders too.
Best Buy’s Former CEO Shares Leadership Lessons from the Hugely Successful Turnaround He Oversaw
Hubert Joly said that the essence of his leadership style is recognizing the humanity of his workforce and treating profit as an outcome of purpose, not the purpose itself.
Why pay equity is critical to advancing racial equity, which companies are taking the lead, and why talk of commitment is not enough.
The Just Report: No Turning Back
On Wednesday, an investor firm owning 0.02% of ExxonMobil stock gathered enough support to win at least two seats on the oil and gas giant’s board. The shockwaves of this outcome will reverberate throughout every boardroom in America.
The State of Disclosure on Trade Association Memberships in Corporate America
When looking at the 928 publicly traded companies from our 2021 Rankings, we find that 58.3% do not disclose any of their trade association memberships.
Chart of the Week: Companies That Provide Human Rights Disclosure Outperform Those That Don’t
Of the 928 companies we ranked in 2021, 458 provide human rights disclosure and outperform those that do not by 3.2% over the trailing year.
Key Findings From JUST Capital’s 2021 Focus Groups
In February 2021, JUST Capital and The Harris Poll conducted eight virtual focus groups – exploring how Americans believe companies should treat their workers, customers, shareholders, communities, and the environment.
Our most recent survey reached 2,000 Americans in an effort to understand whether they believe CEOs have a role to play in influencing lawmakers across a variety of issues, from corporate tax policy to racial equality to voting rights.
The JUST Report: It Starts And Ends With Authenticity
PolicyLink hosted an event this week that shed light on a critical lesson that all C-suite executives need for leading through this era of stakeholder capitalism: authenticity is everything.
Ben Cohen, Jerry Greenfield, and Rose Marcario share why knowing your values, working together, and accepting your mistakes is key to corporate leadership on racial equity.
Chart of the Week: Global Sustainable Asset Flows Continue to Set Records in 2021
This week we look a report published by Morningstar which showcases the continued record-setting growth of sustainable asset flows.
C-Suite Leaders Share the Biggest Challenges They’re Facing in Their Racial Equity Work
What PolicyLink, FSG, and JUST heard from corporate leaders in response to A CEO Blueprint for Racial Equity and what it means for what comes next.
FHN’s Jennifer Tescher makes the case for joining the Worker Financial Wellness Initiative, the first step toward building stronger, more resilient companies based on a holistic understanding of financial health.
Watch: Corporate Racial Equity Tracker Briefing Call featuring Intel
On May 6th, JUST Capital hosted a briefing call on our Corporate Racial Equity Tracker, walking through its insights and showcasing leading practices.
Using JUST’s data, researchers from Stanford, Harvard, and the University of Texas found that companies publicly embracing stakeholder capitalism treated workers better in the early days of the pandemic.