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July 18, 2024  |  JUST Capital

JUST Capital’s Quarterly Review of Stakeholder Performance – Q2 2024

As of June 30, 2024, our flagship index – the JUST U.S. Large Cap Diversified Index (JULCD) – has out-performed the Russell 1000 (Cap-Weighted) benchmark by 1.51% year-to-date and by 13.78% since its inception. Learn more.

April 4, 2024  |  JUST Capital

JUST Capital’s Quarterly Review of Stakeholder Performance – Q1 2024

As of March 29, 2024, our flagship index – the JUST U.S. Large Cap Diversified Index (JULCD) has out-performed the Russell 1000 (Cap-Weighted) benchmark by 0.35% year-to-date and by 10.7% since its inception.

June 30, 2023  |  JUST Capital

Amalgamated Bank CEO Priscilla Sims Brown and Roy Swan, Director of Mission Investments at The Ford Foundation, Discuss the Investor Case for Just Business

The two leaders discussed the controversy surrounding ESG and how companies can create competitive value for shareholders in a stakeholder model.

June 26, 2023  |  JUST Capital

Happy 5th Birthday, JUST ETF!

The JULCD Index – which powers the JUST ETF – has outperformed the Russell 1000 by 8.78% since inception through May 31, 2023.

February 3, 2022  |  JUST Capital

JUST Capital’s JULCD Index that Powers Goldman’s JUST ETF Has Outperformed the Russell 1000 Over the Last 5 Years

JULCD companies deliver value for their shareholders as well as the other key stakeholders they impact.

June 21, 2021  |  JUST Capital

Humanity At Work

As shareholder demand for action on human capital and DEI metrics rises, we may be entering a new worker paradigm.

June 16, 2021  |  JUST Capital

The JUST U.S. Large Cap Diversified Index Continues Strong Performance

We recently marked the 3rd anniversary of Goldman Sachs’ JUST ETF, which tracks the JULCD Index based on our annual Rankings of the Russell 1000.

April 29, 2021  |  JUST Capital

Chart of the Week: JUST 100 Companies Continue to Exemplify Strong Leadership While Achieving Alpha

Looking at the performance of the JUST 100, we see significant alpha relative to the average Russell 1000 company we rank.

March 16, 2021  |  JUST Capital

The Future of ESG is Customized, Personalized, and Values-Driven

More investors are recognizing that investing can serve a dual purpose – to both reach financial goals and to perpetuate core values by supporting companies doing right by all shareholders.

March 3, 2021  |  JUST Capital

Companies That Prioritize Workforce Investment and Training Outperform Those That Don’t

Companies that have invested in their workforces have been more successful than those that haven’t for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic.

February 11, 2021  |  JUST Capital

Companies That Have the Most Workers Earning a Living Wage Have Higher Returns on Assets

Companies that don’t pay their workers well need to take up more debt (i.e. more risk) to have the same returns on equity as those that pay their workers well.

February 5, 2021  |  JUST Capital

The JUST Report: Show Me The Money…And The Impact

investors are becoming sophisticated enough to tell the difference between greenwashing and value creation…and this Exxon case proves it.

January 14, 2021  |  JUST Capital

Chart of the Week: Companies With Fewer Controversies Outperformed in 2020

We take a look at our 2021 ranked companies that had controversies across all of our various stakeholders to show that, unsurprisingly, companies with fewer controversies slightly outperform those with more.

January 14, 2021  |  JUST Capital

JUST’s Most Popular ESG Features from 2020

Here are five of our most viewed ESG-focused features from 2020.

November 12, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Watch JUST Capital & NYSE’s Investor Event: Business & Markets as a Force for Good

How companies and investors can lead in building a more just and inclusive economy that works for all Americans.

November 5, 2020  |  JUST Capital

ESG Chart of the Week: 2021 JUST 100 Companies Outperform the Market

In light of last week’s analysis of the 2021 JUST Universe specific to return on equity, this week we dive into the new list of companies constituting the JUST 100, our annual list of America’s most just companies.

October 28, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Chart of the Week: JUST Businesses Have a Higher Return on Equity

We revisit a past Chart of the Week to show that the companies that support their workers continue to outperform the market.

October 1, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Chart of the Week: JUST Industry Leaders Maintain Their Performance Upside Through the Recovery

In this week’s Chart of the Week, we take a look at the JUST Industry leaders across our universe to examine their strong outperformance in this economic recovery.

September 17, 2020  |  JUST Capital

ESG Experts From Goldman Sachs and Carlyle Group Break Down Where Sustainable Investing Is Today and Where It’s Headed

We sat down with two of the ESG’s most prominent leaders –John Goldstein, the head of the Sustainable Finance Group at Goldman Sachs and Megan Starr, the Global Head of Impact for The Carlyle Group, to discuss the future of ESG. 

September 17, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Chart of the Week: Companies That Focus on Their Customers Outperform Their Peers During The Recovery

Companies that support customers by producing non-harmful and quality products, emphasizing privacy, using fair pricing, offering equal treatment, and more, outperform their competitors by 20.7% .

September 10, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Chart of The Week: Companies That Prioritize Their Workers Continue to Outperform the Market

In light of Labor Day this past Monday, we revisit a chart from early June to evaluate how companies’ treatment of their workers continues to affect financial performance throughout 2020.

September 3, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Chart of the Week: Companies Embracing Full Disclosure on Workforce Diversity Continue to Outperform Peers

For Labor Day, we revisit our Chart of the Week from earlier this summer to reevaluate how companies who fully disclose their EEO-1 reports have performed throughout the trailing three months. 

August 27, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Chart of the Week: Just Companies Have Better Risk Profiles and Overall Decreased Volatility

This week, we explore the risk profile of more just companies in comparison to less just ones, and show that JUST companies have less volatility.

August 20, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Chart of the Week: JUST Companies Continue to Outperform Their Competition

This week, we dive into the history of our JUST Rankings and evaluate how America’s Most JUST Companies have performed on a cumulative basis since inception, finding that the top four quintiles as the top quintile has outperformed the bottom quintile by 29.9% cumulatively.

July 28, 2020  |  JUST Capital

Keeping ESG out of 401(k) Plans Hurts Participants and Produces Worse Outcomes

Last month, the Department of Labor (DOL) proposed a new investment duties rule that would essentially keep ESG funds out of retirement accounts. Everything I’ve seen throughout my career shows that such a move would hurt investors.

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